Help looking for an asset

in The Commons
Some of my scenes require more than three gen 8/8.1 models, but my system can't render that with all the background. I remeber seeing these full black... cut out people? I have no idea what asset that is, or what it's called. I haven't been able to dig anything up. Cansomeone point me in the right direction, please.
A whole bunch of items to use for what you want.
They are called billboards. There is also Billboard Builder, to make your own.
Wasn't there a billboard creator, which could create automatically billboards for a prop from 8 different angles and top view at once? I can't find it, though, but i was so sure to have seen sth. like that. Can anybody else remember or did i just dream of that, lol?
There's this
Thanks, @scorpio, but that only creates a billboard from a render (I own it). I had in mind there was a tool that created (by rendering itself) a billboard from 8 camera angles at once. Like those Now Crowd products...
I'm wondering if it's background killing daz on me? I have 4 Gen 8 models in a car driving. I'm using the "1stB-Long Stretch of Forested Road" as the layout. I've made renders with four Gen 8 models, and minimal backgrounds, and it ran well enough depending on my resolution level.
But I've put the render down to HD, and it won't even get to the first itieration. I have a Nvidia 3060 ti graphic card with 12gigs. Not sure what I'm ding wrong.
But what I was thinking of doing was putting the flat black cardboard people in the back seat and then use depth of field for the front seat people. Then quarter the image, and switch out the models.
But I can't find those flat black cardboard people assests I've seen in VN's and other games that use daz.
The 3060Ti is an 8GB card
@jodhan322: you could first render the background (Long stretch ... forested road) and then the car which you would have to render with
draw dome = off in the render settings tab - environment section.
ETA: and then combine in Photoshop or Gimp.
I don't know the tool you're thinking of, but you could probably use an animation to render the various angles: create a keyframe for each camera angle and then render as image series.
Many thanks, @Leana, you are absolutely right! I guess then that i really must have like misunderstood a product description.
Maybe you are thinking of Lowpi?
Thank you @chevybabe25, but what I "remember" / hallucinated was a script where you posed a prop (tree, human, whatever) in front of a camera and started it and the result where 8 billboards of that prop (each rotated +45 degrees). Doesn't matter, @Leana explained a very good workaround for anybody interested...
I think I might have had the same hallucination - however it was probably more wishful thinking? There have been several times when using self-created billboards where I have changed my mind part-way through and have had to go back and make a new one at a different angle. That's part of what makes using the Now-Crowd products so great in that you can change the orientation in place with a click of a button - would be nice to be able to do the same with our own billboards but I can see why that script would not be made available.
@PerttiA I rechecked my graphic card: ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 3060 White OC Edition 12GB GDDR6 Gaming Graphics Card PCIe 4 DUAL-RTX3060-O12G-WHITE
I'm not even sure I can even do what you just said lol
I'm doing the renders for my VN because A: it's fun, and, B: I don't have anyone else to do them. I'm not new at making rendes, but my skill set is writing. I wrote an entire VN, and did all the pathing, etc. I still have all the renpy coding the coder started for the demo when I began this project. But after I got sick, and was offline for months, I ended back on my project alone. I've managed to learn so much about daz rendering. But what you said, sounds hard to do.
Here's the first attempt at the image. But, I'm wondering I have jst back shapes of peole in the back seat for some of the enders, it won't tax my graphics card so much. I rendered this at 2k, and it dis 1800 iterations, and took 35 minutes. If I push it to 4k, it takes an 30 minutes just to get 150 iterations.
I'm trying to attach the image (I went back and edited the last post), but it just says "Uploading..." for the longest time.
Sorry, I was AFK. No matter how big your graphicscard you may always encounter a situation were you need this basic knowledge. I meant this:
First you render your background. In my case (all images click for original size):
Then you render the people. To do this delete or hide the background and then
1) click on the "Render Settings" tab
2) At the left menu click on "Environment"
3)Click on the "ON" button at "Draw Dome" until it shows "OFF"
4) Render
Then load the Background in GIMP or Photoshop.
Then load the rendered characters "as layer" on top of the Background. Do some postwork to adapt the characters to the Background if neccessary (lighting). You're done.
you know you can render 1 or 2 characters in the environment at a time and combine in post, right?
You just need to be smart about overlap and including stand-in light blockers to ensure everything is casting correct shadows/reflections.
it might not be 100% "correct" but nobody will be able to tell.
As another option, these two resources can be very helpful as well if you don't want to do multiple renders for a resource-heavy scene:
please OP, do not follow this very bad advice unless your scene is incredibly basic (and ugly) like the example provided.
If you are going to do try compositing distinctly rendered images, you need to ensure lighting matches fairly perfectly for it not to be a nightmare for postwork compositing. To do so, you can render a 3D panoramic HDRI of your environment, and then use that as the background dome instead of the 3D scene. Again, if you have overlapping elements in foreground, you need to be cognisant of shadow casting/light blocking/light emission etc.
@lilweep: I hope I understood right what you meant: @jodhan322 had several characters to render, but I was too lazy to add like 4 characters to the scene, I just wanted to make clear what I wrote earlier. Of course, instead of one character, you should render as much as your graphics card allows you to.
@jodhan322: if you prefer to do it like @lilweep suggested the following tools could help you:
It is a bundle, check if you need all. Then there is a tutorial:
Unfortunately, although I own all three scripts, I didn't yet learn how to use them, but maybe somebody can help you with that. Of course in terms of realism this sounds promising!
It's a pretty good package, especially the creator can be very useful. Creating your own HDRI's from scenes may seem a bit extreme at first, but sometimes you have an environment which you just know you will use repeatedly at roughly the same location, just possibly from slightly different angles. It works better for wide outdoor environments, because closeby objects, like in an indoor environment, will noticably warp when you place your camera elsewhere than in the exact center of the scene at the same altitude at which the image of the HDRI was taken.
If I had more money, I'd hire out lol