Figures vanish when posing.

Okay, this has been going on for along time, but I've finally just about lost my marbles working on a very large scene. So, I have my characters placed where I want them, and its a large scene. Did I mention its a LARGE scene? I find the pose that I want, click on it, and the figure vanishes, usually traveling back to the world center. Its annoying and really wasting a ton of time trying to locat them and then drag them back to where I want them. Then, if I try to use a different pose it happens all over again. Lunacy! Is there any way to stop this from happening? Alternately, can pose creators please stop creating poses that do this in the future? Some do, some don't...
Thank you for letting me vent...
I hate that! If you complain to tech support, sometimes it gets fixed. Sometimes.
You are placing them in the scene using the figure (Genesis # or the character name) rather than the hip bone?
I find the character I want in Smart Content, click on it, and it appears. Then I move it to where I want it. Or, I find the figure in Smart Content, click on the figure using the Alt key, then manually place it with the mouse nd the little red circle that appears. Either way, the figure often moves when a pose is applied to.
One solution is to hold down the shift key when applying the pose. A box will pop up. Deselect the x, y and z translations, then press OK. This way your character should stay in place.
I do agree with you that poses should not apply any movement to the root node, and only minimal movement to the X trans and Z trans of the hip node, but some do. Most DAZ commercial poses are well behaved, particularly the more modern ones. Free pose sets tend not to, and will often move the root node to 0,0,0
THANK YOU! I will try that!
These are poses all bought through Daz, and are Gen 3 and 8 poses, typically.
I thought it was the Ctrl key, but yes - that is the way to go.
Putting the character(s) in a group allows moving the group to a location one wants and the poses will not change the location.
Although, it is better to put everything else in a group and move the location close to the origin (0.0.0)
It is Ctrl, I just tried on my PC with the shift key out of curiosity and it didn't work.
OP, if you didn't know about Ctrl you should know that is also allows you to only apply a part of the pose selected.
Say you have a full body pose but would like to use it only for the left hand: select your character's hand, use Ctrl to load the pose, and choose "Selected" in the top "Nodes" option and voila.
Another advantage of using Ctrl: in my exprience unchecking the Morphforms option can make applying the pose much quicker when using poses from some PA.