Newly Bought Products Not Showing

wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
edited July 2024 in Daz Studio Discussion

Nine out of eleven new products I bought for Genesis 9 figure is only listed in the Lost and Found tab. Why in HECK is it not showing under Wardrobe folder in it's appropiate location? I spent good money for these items and the Daz decided not to finish doing their job! This is the second time I bought several things only not to show up where they supposed to be. The lame excuse I got was blaming the sellers. Daz is supposed to make sure the 'whatever' is done right and not make us do 'their job'. Or were these items Daz put on sale because they weren't done right?

BTW, the yellow dress and the Japan capsule hotel came out alright.

So, if I have to finish the job, how do I go about doing it?

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Post edited by wildbillnash on


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    Because no or wrong metadata was given to these products made by the emigrees from Rendo... You may create metadata for them or send a ticket asking for fix.
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Thanks, crosswind, for the fast response. 

    I also noticed a dress not even showing up anywhere, just it's different materials in lost and found. It's the dForce Ayria's Closet G9. Any idea what's going on there? Where's the dress?

    As for creating metadata for them, I have no idea on how to do that. And from past experience, I doubt submitting a ticket for help would get a response. (They're too busy making money to have time helping their customers.) But I'll try anyway. (Now, where do I fill out a ticket?)

    Thanks again.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024 no product wiki / metadata so far... for this dForce Ayria...

    You can send ticket in here You may try asking for a fix or refund.

    Official tutorial of how to "Create a product metadata"


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You can look for the files in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats in the meantime.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
    edited July 2024

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You can look for the files in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats in the meantime.

    Nope, don't have it. Here's a pic of what's listed under Content Library.

    I already submitted a ticket and it should be next Friday or Monday after before I get an response. Meanwhile, I bought a dress yesterday evening. Apparently I had purchased an add-on with materials for the dress but didn't have the dress itself. So I bought it and it is NO WHERE in sight. I can't search for it because I have no idea what the guy named the file, it's not in Lost and Found. But, I can find all the materials for that dress. What gives?

    Crosswind, thanks for the link to the tutorials. I'll check it out, though I probably won't be able to do it with the dress I mentioned above.

    Another thing, I found an outfit in Lost and Found that I recatigorized for the proper folder. It's for a G9 model. Buuuut...when I have a G9 model checked and click the Filter By Content, it won't show up. I have to uncheck it to be able to see it. What gives here. Ever since they came out with Genesis 9 I have been having a lot of trouble with their outfits.


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    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    crosswind said: no product wiki / metadata so far... for this dForce Ayria...

    You can send ticket in here You may try asking for a fix or refund.

    Official tutorial of how to "Create a product metadata"

    YIKES!!!! I don't think I'll be able to do it. You have to be a programmer to understand some of the stuff mentioned. And I got a headache just scrolling down the page.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    You have to follow the tree.

    Genesis 9 characters would be in People->Genesis 9->Characters->[name of creator]->[Name of character]

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    PerttiA said:

    You have to follow the tree.

    Genesis 9 characters would be in People->Genesis 9->Characters->[name of creator]->[Name of character]

    Thanks, but the characters are not the problem. It's the cloths they wear.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    wildbillnash said:

    PerttiA said:

    You have to follow the tree.

    Genesis 9 characters would be in People->Genesis 9->Characters->[name of creator]->[Name of character]

    Thanks, but the characters are not the problem. It's the cloths they wear.

    Then they would be in the Clothing sub-folder, not Characters.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    OK, I'm lost. Richard and Perttia, when did I mention anything about searching in Characters? Richard, that's the problem, they are NOT in a clothing sub-folder.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024

    wildbillnash said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You can look for the files in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats in the meantime.

    Nope, don't have it. Here's a pic of what's listed under Content Library.

    I already submitted a ticket and it should be next Friday or Monday after before I get an response. Meanwhile, I bought a dress yesterday evening. Apparently I had purchased an add-on with materials for the dress but didn't have the dress itself. So I bought it and it is NO WHERE in sight. I can't search for it because I have no idea what the guy named the file, it's not in Lost and Found. But, I can find all the materials for that dress. What gives?

    Crosswind, thanks for the link to the tutorials. I'll check it out, though I probably won't be able to do it with the dress I mentioned above.

    Another thing, I found an outfit in Lost and Found that I recatigorized for the proper folder. It's for a G9 model. Buuuut...when I have a G9 model checked and click the Filter By Content, it would show up. I have to uncheck it to be able to see it. What gives here. Ever since they came out with Genesis 9 I have been having a lot of trouble with their outfits.


    Oh, if you want to "Filter by Context", first of all you have to add metadata to the product so as to be able to see the product thumbnail in Smart Content. Then you will have to add Compatibilities to the user-facing files:

    - go to the product folder in Content Library, right-click on the folder to Edit Metadata (ss1)
    - select a user-facing file, for instance, a Wearable Preset, then go to Compatibilities tab, right-click to Add Compatibilities to Selected File(s) (ss2)
    - locate and choose /Genesis 9/Base (ss3)
    - Accept. (ss4)

    Now you can have "Filter by Context" checked and see the items.


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    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    DIM will show you the paths if you right-click and seelct Show Installed Files, or click the arrow button and select the same. The readme will also tell you, which you can get from a right-click on the product in DS>More Information.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    wildbillnash said:

    crosswind said: no product wiki / metadata so far... for this dForce Ayria...

    You can send ticket in here You may try asking for a fix or refund.

    Official tutorial of how to "Create a product metadata"

    YIKES!!!! I don't think I'll be able to do it. You have to be a programmer to understand some of the stuff mentioned. And I got a headache just scrolling down the page.

    I have to say you either go for using the way illustrated in the tutorial or go for having and using Content Wizard ( to install a product without metadata provided in IM package...

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Crosswind, is Content Wizard something you iuse instead of DIM? I want to make sure what it is and if it's relevant. I've bought too many things from Daz that disappeared later, became useless, didn't take off, or was just a waste of money. Others I just couldn't get the hang of it, it wasn't as easy as they claimed. Needed to be a programmer to use it.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, is Content Wizard something you iuse instead of DIM? I want to make sure what it is and if it's relevant. I've bought too many things from Daz that disappeared later, became useless, didn't take off, or was just a waste of money. Others I just couldn't get the hang of it, it wasn't as easy as they claimed. Needed to be a programmer to use it.

    Content Wizard was developed for installing products from 3rd-parties. I always use it as well for the store products that have no or messy/wrong metadata. All these tools were developed for end-users other than developers... what you want to do is just learning the key functions...

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
    edited July 2024

    crosswind said:

    wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, is Content Wizard something you iuse instead of DIM? I want to make sure what it is and if it's relevant. I've bought too many things from Daz that disappeared later, became useless, didn't take off, or was just a waste of money. Others I just couldn't get the hang of it, it wasn't as easy as they claimed. Needed to be a programmer to use it.

    Content Wizard was developed for installing products from 3rd-parties. I always use it as well for the store products that have no or messy/wrong metadata. All these tools were developed for end-users other than developers... what you want to do is just learning the key functions...

    Are there any videos showing how to use it?.......Found the video and just watched it. Now I have a headache from both the information given (a lot I didn't understand) and trying to read the small print. Ouch.

    I'm going to wait to see what support says before I buy and try this program. It should take a week for the response and for me to watch the video again several times. (It's like teaching new tricks to an old dog.)


    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Just found a batch of InStyle I bought some time ago with nothing but materials. No item to use them on. And, no, I didn't just buy materials.I always check now for that. If I don't own the outfit, I don't buy the materials. Bummer.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    wildbillnash said:

    Just found a batch of InStyle I bought some time ago with nothing but materials. No item to use them on. And, no, I didn't just buy materials.I always check now for that. If I don't own the outfit, I don't buy the materials. Bummer.

    InStyle series (products from valkyrie ) are always material presets Only no matter in Daz3D store or Rendo store. You always have to check if there's any "Required Products" info. specified on the product page...

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  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    I always check that. It's one of the first things I look at. Maybe I need new glasses. I'll check on that. Thanks for the info, Crosswind.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Crosswind, I just checked the products. First, two of the items do not show any Required Products. I included a pic of one.

    But here's the funny one. The Instyle - Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 is the item I bought. But the page shows I haven't purchased it, even though I had a Lost and Found listing for it. It requires the Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 as a required product, which I did buy after noticing I needed it. It also is in the Lost and Found. Go figure.

    So, does the IInStyle - Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie outfit for Genesis 9 and InStyle - dForce Bunny Maid Outfit for Genesis 9, 8 and 8.1 Female require items and they are missing from the sales page? Or are the base items missing from the packages I bought?

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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    wildbillnash said:

    I always check that. It's one of the first things I look at. Maybe I need new glasses. I'll check on that. Thanks for the info, Crosswind.

    You're welcome ! Just take your time ~~yes 

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
    edited July 2024

    I also just notice I have I have a folder for InStyle - Delta Bodysuit Genesis 8-8.1F and G9, which is an add-on, but the sales page says I haven't bought it. I also have the Delta Bodysuit folder but it's sales page shows I having bought it and it's not in my product Product Library. Any ideas what's going on here. Ever since Daz came out with Gen 9, I've been having problems with their clothing. I have yet check anything else, like enviroments.

    Oh, just checked something else. The Delta bodysuit product didn't come with the base bodysuit. I have have the materials, not the suit. What The Heck Is Going On Here?

    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024

    wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, I just checked the products. First, two of the items do not show any Required Products. I included a pic of one.

    But here's the funny one. The Instyle - Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 is the item I bought. But the page shows I haven't purchased it, even though I had a Lost and Found listing for it. It requires the Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 as a required product, which I did buy after noticing I needed it. It also is in the Lost and Found. Go figure.

    So, does the IInStyle - Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie outfit for Genesis 9 and InStyle - dForce Bunny Maid Outfit for Genesis 9, 8 and 8.1 Female require items and they are missing from the sales page? Or are the base items missing from the packages I bought?

    Ah.... you were set up by the product info. in there, my friend ~~ So better give a glimps as well at the Details info. on the product page... The truth is that the Base Product is not on sales in Daz3D store but in Rendo Store -

    This is a sort of unique case... Daz3D store doesn't sell the Base... and gives no link of Base product to users either...

    As for the issue of "haven't purchased it...", I don't know why... if you've already logged in the store with your Account... send a ticket ?

    And yes, both of them require Base products... The trick is the naming convention... if whatever a description of "Instyle - ", "VERSUS -", etc. is before a "Product Name", it means it's just a texture add-on, which requires its Base Product.


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    wildbillnash said:

    I also just notice I have I have a folder for InStyle - Delta Bodysuit Genesis 8-8.1F and G9, which is an add-on, but the sales page says I haven't bought it. I also have the Delta Bodysuit folder but it's sales page shows I having bought it and it's not in my product Product Library. Any ideas what's going on here. Ever since Daz came out with Gen 9, I've been having problems with their clothing. I have yet check anything else, like enviroments.

    Oh, just checked something else. The Delta bodysuit product didn't come with the base bodysuit. I have have the materials, not the suit. What The Heck Is Going On Here?

    I'm sorry I have no ieda what' going on... because I don't buy things from the emigrees from Rendo at this stage as I know they're with zero or messy metadata... though I'm able to easily fix them all.

    Pls submit tickets... quite a few tickets...

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841
    edited July 2024

    wildbillnash said:

    So, does the IInStyle - Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie outfit for Genesis 9 and InStyle - dForce Bunny Maid Outfit for Genesis 9, 8 and 8.1 Female require items and they are missing from the sales page? Or are the base items missing from the packages I bought?

    They require a product not sold here, hence no "required product" link. The fact that they're add-ons is stated in the product description, eg "InStyle"is a companion texture set for InStyle - Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie outfit for Genesis 9 by fefecoolyellow.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758
    edited July 2024

    crosswind said:

    wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, I just checked the products. First, two of the items do not show any Required Products. I included a pic of one.

    But here's the funny one. The Instyle - Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 is the item I bought. But the page shows I haven't purchased it, even though I had a Lost and Found listing for it. It requires the Casual V Leotard Genesis 9 as a required product, which I did buy after noticing I needed it. It also is in the Lost and Found. Go figure.

    So, does the IInStyle - Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie outfit for Genesis 9 and InStyle - dForce Bunny Maid Outfit for Genesis 9, 8 and 8.1 Female require items and they are missing from the sales page? Or are the base items missing from the packages I bought?

    Ah.... you were set up by the product info. in there, my friend ~~ So better give a glimps as well at the Details info. on the product page... The truth is that the Base Product is not on sales in Daz3D store but in Rendo Store -

    This is a sort of unique case... Daz3D store doesn't sell the Base... and gives no link of Base product to users either...

    As for the issue of "haven't purchased it...", I don't know why... if you've already logged in the store with your Account... send a ticket ?

    And yes, both of them require Base products... The trick is the naming convention... if whatever a description of "Instyle - ", "VERSUS -", etc. is before a "Product Name", it means it's just a texture add-on, which requires its Base Product.

    That last part, I was thinking the same thing this morning. But let me get this straightt. The three items of InStyle that shows no requirements really do need a required base but from a seller on Renderosity? And they don't mention it on the sales page? What a rip. How the heck are we suppose to know that and know where to look for the base?

    I'm going to check that link now and see what comes up. Thank you for your help.


    UPDATE: i just check the link and get this. The item is NOT AVAILABLE! What the heck!!!!!


    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    crosswind said:

    wildbillnash said:

    I also just notice I have I have a folder for InStyle - Delta Bodysuit Genesis 8-8.1F and G9, which is an add-on, but the sales page says I haven't bought it. I also have the Delta Bodysuit folder but it's sales page shows I having bought it and it's not in my product Product Library. Any ideas what's going on here. Ever since Daz came out with Gen 9, I've been having problems with their clothing. I have yet check anything else, like enviroments.

    Oh, just checked something else. The Delta bodysuit product didn't come with the base bodysuit. I have have the materials, not the suit. What The Heck Is Going On Here?

    I'm sorry I have no ieda what' going on... because I don't buy things from the emigrees from Rendo at this stage as I know they're with zero or messy metadata... though I'm able to easily fix them all.

    Pls submit tickets... quite a few tickets...

    I will submit tickets. For a refund since the base is not available like I mentioned earlier. 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841
    edited July 2024

    wildbillnash said:

    But let me get this straightt. The three items of InStyle that shows no requirements really do need a required base but from a seller on Renderosity? And they don't mention it on the sales page? What a rip. How the heck are we suppose to know that and know where to look for the base?

    InStyle texture add-ons do mention that they're add-ons for another product in their product description.

    Some of the base products migrated here, and for those the "required products" link should be active on product page. For example the Casual V Cut Leotard from the Rendo link crosswind posted is now here: and "InStyle - Casual V Cut Leotard Genesis 9" does have the required product link.

    Some of the base products are sold at Rendo, like the Schoolgirl Sexy Lingerie. In that case there's no required product link, only the name of the product and vendor in the description.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Leana, what is Rendo? I don't find a site when searching. Only an AI, a game, and what does it mean posts.

    I did find and bought the base for the Casual V cut Leotard. The only problem is it's in lost and found and won't appear when I filter for gen 9 only. But at least I found it.

    As for the other two, the site should say what is required. Other products will, like the V cut. This is a flop made by Daz since the base is sold somewhere else. And one of the items I bought that required a base from Renderosity is no longer available. Daz is selling useless products.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    crosswind said:

    wildbillnash said:

    I also just notice I have I have a folder for InStyle - Delta Bodysuit Genesis 8-8.1F and G9, which is an add-on, but the sales page says I haven't bought it. I also have the Delta Bodysuit folder but it's sales page shows I having bought it and it's not in my product Product Library. Any ideas what's going on here. Ever since Daz came out with Gen 9, I've been having problems with their clothing. I have yet check anything else, like enviroments.

    Oh, just checked something else. The Delta bodysuit product didn't come with the base bodysuit. I have have the materials, not the suit. What The Heck Is Going On Here?

    I'm sorry I have no ieda what' going on... because I don't buy things from the emigrees from Rendo at this stage as I know they're with zero or messy metadata... though I'm able to easily fix them all.

    Pls submit tickets... quite a few tickets...

    I will submit tickets. But I was wondering. How do you know a product requires a base that is on another site. And I can't find Rendo online. So, we need to start a list of sellers to avoid since they, and Daz, don't do the complete work of metadata. 

    My first submission to the list is anything by InStyle.

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