Looking for 1980s style sunglasses

Just for any character generation I'm after some normal female sunglasses that just look eighties I'm looking without much progress so far. Anyone suggest any products here?


  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760

    Do you have any images of what specefic sort of style you are looking for? "1980s" is kinda vague.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,936

    I must admit I tend to think of big lenses or aviator glasses, but they're very different.



  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316

    I googled 1980s sunglasses even though I was an adult during that time, I have a vague idea what they looked like. I found in my runtime a few sets that come close that span the generations.





    What I know is that women and men might wear whatever floated their boat or needs. Aviators were and still are BIG. But I needed what I could wear with prescriptions too and with protection on the sides. So, depending on the age of the wearer, the style might change. Younger people might go for cheap, plastic fun styles that could be lost at the beach. Adults invest in a 'look' and pay for it. As eyes age, they drive the styles you pick. As I have found out, cataracts form on the left eye first, then the right eye due to driving on the left side of the car. Might be opposite in the UK. But I now have both and have to protect both eyes everytime I leave the house. 

    But, the PAs have a number of other styles that span decades that the main promo picture may not highlight, so I recommend digging into the little promos.


  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316

    I thought later, if you need specifically older, aging glasses, check out bundles for the older core characters of G8/G8.1. Many add-on packs and clothes came with glasses for them. Also swimwear packs have sunglasses, but these may be more fashion styles.

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