Why is the ONE product I've really wanted NOT ON SALE?

in The Commons
Every FABIANA product in the store is on sale at a 50% to 70% discount EXCEPT the one product I've wanted for months https://www.daz3d.com/Theory-of-Light-3-The-Heavens which is at FULL PRICE. Why, why why? I was so disappointed I took almost everything out of my shopping cart.
Because they know you want it. They know you want it bad.
I took about 30 products out of my cart, and bought the one I wanted at full price.
THEY can track your mind. ;-)
I bought it when it was at Rendo. Full price and worth it. Hang in there.
Looks like you really have an addiction to DAZ products.
That's is exactly the right decision. Buy what you want and need and will use.
@Fauvist: Could you tell us a bit about your impression of the product - not considering the price but only the quality? Thank you!
The $6 off members' coupon works on it.
@Catherine3678ab: Thank you, so does the 1776 coupon code (already used my daz+ coupons at the extended daz+ sale). Still, it would be great to hear an impression, i love light sets like papertigers' but haven't yet given fabiana a try.
I've just wishlisted it for now. Looks like a nice set to have "85 Handpainted HDRI environments" to work with.
Atm I tend toward the second part for $7. Wishlisted, too.
i bought all 3 over at rendo awhile back. They are nice for sure, but I dont like using Content Library so forget about them.
To the initial question, the answer is timing. DAZ site runs on timing for when it's optimal to buy from the various PAs. It's apparently not time to buy from Fabiana, unless you don't mind paying full price. When will it be time? Not sure. I expect it will be when HDRI lighting sets are on sale or when Fabiana is a Featured Artist for whatever promotion is going on. Those sorts of parameters tell me what to buy and when, based on my WL and what's important to me at the time. And it's a strategy that has served me pretty well. It also tells me when not to buy. As a result, I've got a lot of the stuff from my WL that I really want to use. I'm also accumulating less stuff I really don't care for or want.
I don't like using content library either... it's really clunky, the search is awful, and so many vendors put products in strange places, use bizarre names, or "hide" groups of items inside subfolders, that I find myself constantly cross referencing with DIM and the DAZ and rendo store pages to figure out where things are. Unfortunately, Content Library is currently really the only option if you want to use all your products.
In my (possibly limited **) experience of Rendo imports, all the products I've bought so far turn up under "Lost and Found" in Smart Content - Product view, which you can open and right-click on any item and "Show in mapped folders" - this will take you straight to the right place for loading the item (or maybe its textures, from which you can navigate upwards to find the actual item to load). OK so not as good as proper metadata-ed Smart Content, but quicker than hunting around for ages.
ETA: ** So far I've bought 36 ex-Rendo products from the store since they arrived.
The Content Library pane has received some improvements to search in the current Public Build (Beta).
That's great for that... though I suspect that's only because those are in the DAZ store now and packaged in a DAZ "container"... but either way, it doesn't do anything for the thousands of products I've bought at Rendo and other stores over the years.
Content Library works extremely well if the libraries are being maintained. I got into the habit of manipulating my runtimes way back in my Poser days, and it's still the only way I can function. Manually install my product, rename folders, sort them where I want them to be so that I can actually find things. At this point you couldn't pay me to use Smart Content. I know where everything is in my library because I put it where it is.
I manipulate my installed products that way, too. Takes time to get it sorted, worth the effort, though. I also use Everything search utility to help find stuff.
Same for me. Only ever use manual install and have never used DIM or any form of 'smart content' - it would mess up my locations. Not using the library could also mean you may be missing out on a fair few high quality free items from non DAZ sites - and they make the budget stretch quite a bit further. That is always nice to have. Regards, Richard.