No Men's Clothing?

I've noticed that, ever since we've moved into Genesis 9, there's very little men's clothing other than a lot of swimwear. My Genesis 9 guys want more clothes. They can't wear swimwear to the office. There's tons of women's clothes, but I keep looking for more clothes made for my Genesis 9 men and all I get is disappointment. Sure they can wear the clothes from Genesis 8, but I'm tired of those things because my G8 guys wore them so much. I would like some clothes for my G9 men that don't need to be autofitted to them. Please, please, please, clothing designers, make some mainstream clothes for my G9 guys. And things other than battle armor. They're getting jealous of their G9 women who get lots of things to wear. Please, please, please!!!
You are correct, I just looked thru the store and there is not much office wear for males in the store for G9 (not much for females either). I guess there are no PAs insterested in making business/office type of content, or there would be more.
It doesn't have to be specifically office attire. I'd like to see some regular clothing for my guys and not just swimwear. Everyday wear, formal wear, recreational clothing, just about anything that there's a plethora of for the women, but none or the men.
I'll put G9 office wear on my todo list :)
Thank you
This is getting me excited. The problem with the guys adapting to the female clothing is, mosf of the female clothing is skimpy things that men can't wear. But besides too many of the female clothes are dresses and gowns and such. That doesn't work. I would like to see more work related things like police uniforms or medical professionals' wear. So far, most of the clothings for G9 have been very feminine dresses and sexy things. I want ordinary every day guy clothes for my men. I can put G8 things on them, but some of them don't conform to the G9 bodies as well and converted clothing always has glitches in them. I tend to render more male figures, so I see the lack of good G9 assets for them. Surely I can't be the only person using the G9 male figures in renders.
Yeah, G9 benefits the females and not the males since it is more normal for women to wear mens clothing, especially uniforms. Non of the male characters I render are cross dressers so female office wear isn't an option, LOL
I for one would like more everyday G9 male clothing. I've already bought practically everything in the Daz store for G9 that a reasonably typical guy might wear on a city street, now or in living memory.
I forget, are we into the 2nd or 3rd year of Genesis 9?! How long did it take for other generations to have male clothing?!
There isn't a lot of it but I can see a few things that would make a decent office scene without conversions.
The problem is the majority of creators are making things for skimp, fantasy and fan art, not so many for just the average every day character, except maybe for the female and most of those are dresses or outfits with skirts or belong on a teenager.
Face it people, they bought into the sex sells for everything and since they are out to make money, that's where they're staying. You can always check out other stores or learn to make what you need.
but it's pretty common for men to wear womens clothing/items hair styles extra now days see it often and I'm not just talking about those that identify as women
In here it isn't common
It's been that way and true for the 18yrs I've been a PA here at Daz.
I came back to DS in 2019, think that was 18 months in to G8 (released autumn 2017-ish iirc), and there was an 'adequate' amount of G8M stuff by then, such that you couldn't easily recognise all the male clothing by sight & frequent use. We're 20 months into G9, and I think I can recognise most G9 male clothing when used in images. Not that there are many G9 males visible in galleries, either... Does feel less available. Maybe a concerted effort needs to be made by those who do do male images to flood the galleries.
I'm afraid you might be wasting your breath. Some of us have been asking for more stuff for the Genesis men for years and are always told "it doesn't sell". I always wonder why then do they sell male figures at all?
lol, a lot of PA's have been asking for years for some good male clothing but there are very few that do this as a hobby and sell for a bit of extra money so don't have to base decisions on ROI.
Well... a whole lot of the uniforms are pretty skimpy. And the one set of scrubs that's supposed to be 'unisex' has pockets on the chest.
Scrubs for folx with breasts don't have pockets on the chest because they're useless.
I, too, would like more masc or gender-neutral clothes, both because my dudes don't really go in for femme fashion... and because some of my gals don't, either.
It's a pity that Wilmap retired. She specialized in normal clothing for both sexes and did historical clothing as well that was for more common folks. And it was a free.
Yes, I miss her models a lot!
I will also see what I can do about supporting some more male/unisex everyday clothing in the future. Will be a while though as I have a bunch of projects on the go.
It may be less prevalent, but 'none' is definitely ... a bit off.
I did a search for 'suit' limited to Genesis 9 and got at least 7 clearly masculine-oriented modern outfits, plus a few more that have feminine promos but could easily adapt to masculine. (Plus scifi and fantasy stuff, of course)
It would be nice if it was easier to filter for mostly masculine or feminine items, though.
It is 2024. men can wear women's clothes to work now. Or even to testify in Congress.
Just look on the Shop page. The Daz store has become a great volcano spewing out a suffocating explosion of G9 feminine stuff and occasionally, as if by accident, one or two masculine items. @Oso touts the miniscule quantity of some G9 men's clothing as "more than none." Well, yes, More than none, but not by much. To other suggestions, I'm no more interested in dressing my male characters in women's clothes than I am in dressing myself that way. There does seem to still be surprisingly a lot of male clothing to be found in the earlier generations, right up to G8.1M. I'll have to make do with that.
It took me awhile to catch onto Genesis 8. But when I did it was because I saw an abundance of clothing for males. Also I delighted at the sight of so many mature characters, hair, etc.
So that's a major let down from Genesis 8 to Genesis 9.
Oh, and I don't search for anything. I select available options from drop down menus. Last time I looked, there is no option to select male clothes.
I would estimate that there's a one-to-dozens ratio in terms of male to female clothing items at the Daz store for G9. I have come to prefer G9 for my characters, but I am still extensively buying G8-era clothing for males because ... there is clothing for males for G8.x and it generally works on G9, a risk I'll take when buying it at stacked-discount prices, given the minimal amount of stuff available for G9 guys.
This is a subject that pops up every once in a while and the answers are always the same.
With G9 we were told that having a single 'androgynous' form would encourage PAs to do clothing that would work for both male and female (and why the clothes would cost more) and we can see how well that turned out. When G9 was originally released the clothes in the essentials pack for the masculine form didn't even fit the masculine form, not to mention the 'masculine' poses provided were just not masculine. Very indicative of how much of a rat's rear end DAZ gives about the male characters and the people who use them.
Like some others have pointed out, my guys do not wear evening gowns, dresses, etc. If yours do, I'm glad you have that option but it doesn't work for me.
All that being said, the reason there aren't more male clothes is because the majority of the people who use this program are not interested in male characters or clothing. Go to the gallery here (and other places) and you will see about 3-5 times as many females rendered as males. The customers don't buy, so the PAs don't make. It's just the reality of the situation.
Oh I hear yah... the dream to do this full time, I have so many men outfit planned, just not enough time to make em. Making them / release is gonna go to a crawl.
Well, when they show up in the store, I'll buy them.