DAZ Studio talking almost a minute to close down?

in The Commons
Why does DAZ Studio now take so stinking long to shut down? I used to be able to close it and boom it would be closed, but now it goes through a loading process screen to close? Why?
Oh and just so no one thinks it is my system causing it I am running an RTX 4070ti Super and my system has 128 gigs of ram so it ain't my system. (I don't think the graphics card would affect how long it takes to shut the program down)
This is a known thing with newer versions. Daz always worked away for a while after shutting down but previously it did that in the background after the window was closed. However, when it did that you just had people posting about why a Daz process was still running in the background and sometimes they killed the process which is never good to do.
...what I do after finishing a session is first save the scene then go to File and click New to clear it from the system before closing down That appears to have solved the matter.
Thanks for the idea. I'll try it.
It's not so much that creating a new scene makes it faster, it still takes just as long to dump everything. Instead of a minute or two running in the background dumping, it does it with the window open. And then when you shut Daz down from that blank scene, there's nothing to dump so it shuts down right away. But I still do that anyhow, just for that reason. When I close something, I want it to close, so I always close on a blank scene.
Yes, it still takes almost the same time no matter you directly Close it or New first then Close it with a "Foreground Job"... I personally still prefer to the old way. I always work with multiple DS instances, this new way of "foreground closing" sometimes makes my sessions frozen.
Okay, maybe someone will know the answer to this question. I'll ask here because I have already made two threads today and don't want to flood the place with different threads...
Every time I start up DS and open a scene I have saved the thing askes me if I want to save or not... when i haven't done anything except start the program and try to load a saved scene. How can I stop it from asking me that it is getting quite annoying.
If you just launch a clean DS without loading anything, which means there's no Undo stack in RAM, it won't ask you Save or not...
- Press F2 in DS (Preferences), check if you defined any DUF file in "On Launch".
- also check under "Edit" menu item, see if there's any Undo stacked.
I usually kill it if I don't have time to wait - never have observed problems with that so far (I'm not using Smart Content).
Killing an app shouldn't cause any problems as long as it's not saving anything when shutting down, and, except for promting you to save unsaved user data when it closes, that shouldn't be necessary. If it is, it's not crash safe, which is bad design. Data safety is the number one priority, you can always restore an app if it gets messed up, but corrupted user data, like a DS scene or whatever, may be unrecoverable.
on new and on launch both have NONE selected, AND there is no undo at all, and it STILL asks me if I want to save or not.
I mean, I know it is just one click extra, but I should not have to choose not to save the nothing that is not there.
What's your DS version?
And what is the default DrawStyle that you use after DS is lanched ? Texture Shaded or NVIDIA Iray Preview ? Is there an Environment Options / Tonemapper Options nodes in Scene pane.. or anything else ?
AT the moment it is on IRAY and yeah both of those are in the scene window and nothing else. Not even sure why those are there unless it is normal.
Okay, that's the culprit. DS memorizes the last-used DrawStyle when you close it. In your case, it is NVIDIA Iray. After relaunching DS, NVIDIA Iray is activated, then two nodes of ToneMapper and Environments from Render Settings will be automatically placed into Scene tab, and this Action never goes to Undo stack. Since they're in Scene pane, DS takes for granted that your Scene is not empty, then it'll confirm with you if Save or not Save when you close it.
So, better always keep Texture Shaded, at least not NVIDIA Iray as the Draw Style before closing DS.
...I always start and end in texture shaded.mode.
Old hardware here and I need to be gentle with it.
I'll give it a whirl, thanks... That did it, thanks that was the exact problem, I never realized that having it on IRAY at startup like that would be the cause. I didn't even know that it would remember which setting it was on last time it was loaded.
No problem !