Error: writeAuth

Hi All, 

How do I fix this error, "writeAuth: Couldn't open configuration file for writing. (see attached)
Daz seems to run OK, at least I don't see any issues.

Thanks in Advance

writeAuth error.jpg
651 x 490 - 100K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Do you have the Look at My Hair plug-in Installed?

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,317

    I'm not the OP and I do have Look at My Hair installed. I have had that error ever since I moved my content from an internal HDD to a NAS (both D:) on both public and Beta versions.

    Is there something relaated to LAMH we need to move somewhere else?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    3Ddreamer said:

    I'm not the OP and I do have Look at My Hair installed. I have had that error ever since I moved my content from an internal HDD to a NAS (both D:) on both public and Beta versions.

    Is there something relaated to LAMH we need to move somewhere else?

    As I recall it uses the default path (Docuemnts/Daz 3d/studio/some folder) for its ciofniguration files and errors out if it can't find it - try creating that path - you may need to reinstall Look At My hair to get the final folder, I can't recall..

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,317

    Thanks Richard. I'm speccing out a new desktop so I will be installing everything on it when it comes.

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