Is it possible to update the morph?

I have slightly changed my morph and want to update the old morph with a new one.

But for this I need

Remove old morph.
Load new morph
Change morph limit and directory
Use adjust rigging to shape
Fix the bones if wrong
Use erc freeze 
Save new morph

Can I shorten this list to ?

Load new morph
Save new morph

The changes are small so there is no need for erc freeze 

The version from the old morph will also work

Morph loader pro asks for a new name for the morph

Morph loader advanced Doesn't work if the names are the same



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 5,388
    edited June 21

    Mostly, yes ~ You can.

    - Load OBJ file of new morph with MLP, set the same name as the old morph, choose Yes in "Reverse Deformations", choose Delta Only in "Overwrite Existing" , like screen shot 1
    - Since the delta morph just has a tiny change, technically now you can directly save new morph asset to overwrite the old one.

    But as a reminder, if you do find there's some rigging issue with the new morph, you have to firstly ERC Bake on the morph property, Adjust Rigging to Shape, then ERC Freeze again.

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