OT: RIP the "Say Hey Kid" (Willie Mays).

in The Commons
...I know sports isn't a popular topic here, but one of the all time freats of baseball. Willie Mays passed on this evening at the age of 93.
He was more than just a legends he was an icon of the game one of the best hitters and fielders there ever was, most well known for what is often called "the catch" (an almost impossible over the shoulder catch with his back to the ball) in game 1 of the 1954 world series.
Rest in peace, Mr. Mays.
Someone who my generation admired and looked up to as kids for so many reasons, not only for his skills at baseball. Rest in Peace sir.
Aw, what a shame. One of the greats and someone I looked up to as a baseball player all my youth. I had his rookie card that got destroyed in a flood we had.
I had seen an article a few days ago that Mays had declined an invitation to be present at a MLB game being played in Birmingham to honor the contributions of Negro League players to baseball history (Mays began his career in Birmingham in 1950). At the time I thought that a little odd, but apparently it must have been due to his health being much worse than we knew. Anyway, an amazing player with one of the finest careers in baseball history and a loss for all baseball fans.
Sorry, condolences.