WISHFUL70 code for today's wishlist sale not working.

in The Commons
Hello all!
Pretty much as the subject says. I can't get the WISHFUL70 coupon code.to work. I made sure I fulfilled the criteria, and it doesnt work. I have Debut New item, I selected an item from my wishlist that was not a sale item and it was put on the list a while ago. I made sure I typed the code correctly and yet, I am still getting an invalid code message. So, at this point, I don't think it is me.
It only applies to DAZ+ items on your wishlist which makes it pretty useless for DAZ+ member because it doesn't stack with the DAZ+ discount.
I thought it was just me! How annoying.
I struggled with it too and thought I was meeting all the criteria, but when on my wishlist (3 pages of items) I clicked "Only Show +" there were just three items. Oh well. It was a nice gesture, I guess. Even using the discount once applied to the full price of the item it barely made a difference.
It HAS to be a plus item too? Oh, that's a big steaming crock of ...you know what. It is bad enough that you can't stack a sale. All the plus items in my wishlist are on sale. I'm sorry, but Daz has to do better than that. It was really a pointless deal.
if you have a 67% discounted item it bumps it to 70..
Unless I am reading this wrong, it is pretty clear. AND I couldn't get it to work on anything BUT DAZ +, soooo....

I do need to retract my original disappointment somewhat though. I did end up carting a $30 item that I will get for $13.
If you really want to nit-pick, it says "up to 5 Daz +" or "up to 10 items with any Debut New Release" which reads as - if you select five items (no new release) it is DAZ + only, but if you buy a new item you can get TEN regardless of DAZ + status. I haven't tested that out though. Yet.
Yeah, things like this are why I suspect DAZ's advertising is being run by an AI these days...
Seems pretty clear its one or the other both being for Daz + items, "or" means a continuation of the first.
frank, the coupon makes daz+ items more expensive for daz+ members.
This 'offer' is like an incentive to not buy stuff.
shouldn't this be prevented by the system? promoting a discount which actually raises the prices sounds a bit "deceptive"...
i mean rejecting a coupon if the cart prices raises should be a one-liner in the codebase...
The page says,,, "Choose up to 5 Daz+ items on your Wishlist prior to today for 70% off*" I did that, 5 PC+ items in the cart
*Items must be simultaneously in cart for discount to apply. Yep, 5 PC+ items are in the cart all by themselves
Cannot be used to discount items already owned. Nope, don't own any of them
Coupon Code useable once per customers. I have not used the code yet
Does not stack with other offers. Not stacking with anything, just the 5 items in the cart
I put 5 Daz+ items in the cart entered the code for the day and the price of the cart actually went up by almost 3 dollars
Cart's empty and I am gone, no sale today DAZ, maybe tomorrow, maybe not !!!
I am not jumping through hoops for a higher pice, LOL
Oh Good Grief. Only 2 Items I have in there that are Daz+ are ALREADY 70% Off. So... thanks?
After checking, there are actually a few Daz+ items where the base discount is less than 70% (typically around 60-65%) so the coupon would save you a bit of money on those.
You would only need 1 or 2 tokens to get an even better price at anytime, so there would be little point? Likely as not they will be on sale for 85% or more at some point in the not too distant future.
ITS ONE OF THE MOST USELESS SALES i'VE SEEN AT daz. i THINK THEY SHOULD HAVE A THING WHERE IT SAYS, daz+ MEMBERS EXCLUDED, as it is useless to us. As someone or more stated, it appears its for non-members, which in that case would be a decent sale.
Yeah it appears to be decent for non-members. Interesting strategy from Daz, forgetting that members should always be the ones who benefit the most. That's the point of paid membership
The dsicount has been changed and is now stacking.
that's cool for sure. Now if I had any DAZ+ items in my wishlist.
Awesome! Thank you! Almost a whole month since I bought anything other than gift cards, but now this changes things XD
Can you reproduce it for us please so we can have it looked into?
@ frank0314 Notice the time stamp on Lost_Utopan,s post. It was early this morning, so long before the change to allow stacking with the DAZ+ discount. So of course if the DAZ+ discount was greater than 70% the price would increase with the coupon. That should be corrected now with the change.
Yes I realized that.
No, I don't think you need to retract what you said. Daz never did something like this before in stacking so many restrictions:
Must buy a debut item (that is nothing new)
Doesn't stack with other offers (I am assuming that means all sales. This is something they don't often do as usually they allow stacking. But, Ok)
Must be Daz+ item. (This is new and I don't recall seeing that the item had to be a "plus" item. But the issue comes into play in that this requirement conflicts with the one above. MANY times, Daz + items are on sale. I have 10 in my wishlist and ALL were on sale. So, in a nutshell, this deal was bupkuss for me.
I hope Daz doesn't continue to do stupid sales like this in the future.
Just my 2 cents on it.