Dual Runtime Install Drives/Folders Please

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

Dual Runtime Install Drives/Folders Please

Many people have laptops that are full and they cannot fit any more assets in their Daz Content Library.

This cuts into the bottom line of the Daz Store. No space, no more purchases or they have to constantly uninstall other items.

I have a 4TB PCIE 3.0 M.2 drive that is almost full

For me to buy an 8TB PCIE 4.0 M.2 drive it is $1000

Or I could buy a 4TB PCIE 4.0 M.2 SSD for $200

My request is, it would be nice to be able to start a second Daz Library on another hard drive and in the Install Manager, designate which library assets would be installed. The Install Manager would keep track of which library the asset is installed.

But I have too many assets to do this manually.

So, if i could search for say, HDMIs in the IM, and select the results, en masse, and tell the Install Manager, uninstall these items from this library and install them on this other drive instead in this library. This would epitomize what an Install Manager would do well.

Also, having my content on two drives would speed up the refresh times in the Smart Content directory having two drives supplying 10,100 assets instead of one...

Please make this ability available.


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,964

    Can't you already do this in DIM? Admittedly I have not used that feature but you can add multiple libraries and select the one you want when installing items. Plus DIM remembers which library products are installed to so that the updates should go to the correct one.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited June 2024

    SofaCitizen said:

    Can't you already do this in DIM? Admittedly I have not used that feature but you can add multiple libraries and select the one you want when installing items. Plus DIM remembers which library products are installed to so that the updates should go to the correct one.

    I thought about that, but I am not aware of how this is done, if it is possible. 

    How do you designate what goes where?

    How do I move large chunks of assets around? i.e. environments on one drive, figures on another?

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,809

    Both Daz Studio and DIM support using more than one folder, though DIM has only one current destination for new installs (selected by named from the bottom of the Ready to Install tab). Poser-format figures using the ExP system must all go in the same contetn directory, but other content (including non-ExP content for those figures) may be split.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,964

    RexRed said:

    I thought about that, but I am not aware of how this is done, if it is possible. 

    How do you designate what goes where?

    Well, when you are on the "Ready to Download" tab you can click to "Show Details" at the bottom. That lists some details, the first of which is the "Content Path Shortcut" where the installation will go to. If you click the cog next to it (or go via Advanced Settings -> Installation) you can add multiple options.

    Then when you install items you should be able to select the one you want and they should be installed to that path.

    So, yes, I guess you have to select the destination yourself but then I am not sure how you could do it automatically due to the fact that a product can contain multiple things that are all different.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    This thread can be moved to the technical help thread becasue it is actaully a feature that the Daz IM already has, at least as far as I can tell for now.

    I just moved a few hundred HDRI installs to a different drive, I will see how that works out.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    RexRed said:

    This thread can be moved to the technical help thread

    You can move it yourself if you edit the first post.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    Leana said:

    RexRed said:

    This thread can be moved to the technical help thread

    You can move it yourself if you edit the first post.

    Thank you, I keep forgetting that. 

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited June 2024

    I tried moving my HDRIs to a second folder location and that seemed to work well.

    All seemed to get corrupted when I tried to move my Genesis 3 figures to the secondary my content library.

    I started getting "duplicate file errors" on nearly every Genesis figure.

    I think it was becasue I had many morphs turned off on morph loader pro when I uninstalled them and when I reinabled them in morph loader it added duplicates.

    I think I need to clear morphloader and rescan morphs once they have been moved.

    Is there a dedicated thread describing how to pull this adding a second my content library process off without a hitch?

    It took me all night to reinstall 11,000 daz assets.


    Post edited by RexRed on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,809

    Duplicate Files? Are you sure?

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