what is this icon and how to convert it to figure ?

Hi All

Please help,.... what is this ( attached )  icon say and how i can convert it to the 3 box pyramid icon ( figure i think ) 

i noticed that wheb i use the bridge to c4d they are not the rig bones in c4d 


114 x 71 - 4K


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    It is a geoshell. It is a copy of the underlaying geometry with a small offset.

    What are you trying to do?

  • pluginonpluginon Posts: 0

    Hi, thanks for replaying.... i'm using bridge to c4d to export the figure to c4d. when in c4d the geoshell does not recive the skin and bones and it's in t-pose 

    do you know a way to convert geoshell


  • pluginonpluginon Posts: 0

    i solved it ! by copy the bone and weight to the geoshell


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