Can anyone tell me what happened to my DAZ?

Got an update in the Install Manager last night. Downloaded it, and this morning my DAZ looks like spaz.

my DAZ.jpg
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Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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Got an update in the Install Manager last night. Downloaded it, and this morning my DAZ looks like spaz.
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Got a product update in the Install Manager last night. Downloaded it, and this morning my DAZ looks like spaz.
update your video card drives from the vendor and reboot.
That's usually a sign that DS was open when you isntalled the new version. Close DS, uninstall, and reinstall and the corrupted files should be repaired.
Merged duplicate threads and moved to DAZ Studio Fiscussions while I was at it. Please don't post more than one thread on a single issue.
Sorry. nly saw the Technical thread after I posted in the Commons and didn't know how to remove it there. I think you're right about DAZ being open. Trying to delete it, but can't find anything 4.9 in the 'Installed' section of Install Manager. :/
Unless it's for mods only you can move a thread by editing the first post and changing the forum pick at the top.
Try typing Beta in the filter box of DIM, or Public - that should show which tab it is in (though it will probably show a few other things too).