No More Fanart? (Missing Products)

UthgardUthgard Posts: 867
edited June 2024 in The Commons

Well, I was keeping my eye on the fanart products to make a few Star Trek renders, and it seems like they're gone from the store. I was wondering if anyone knew what was up with that and if there's a chance they may be back--which seems unlikely, but hope springs eternal.


EDIT: What the Hell? Why is my username gone, and this stupid thing displaying my email address? How did this even happen? No wonder I keep getting more and more spam nowadays. If any mods see this, please get me back my Uthgard handle.

Post edited by Uthgard on


  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767
    edited June 2024

    Uthgard said:

    EDIT: What the Hell? Why is my username gone, and this stupid thing displaying my email address? How did this even happen? No wonder I keep getting more and more spam nowadays. If any mods see this, please get me back my Uthgard handle.

    See this thread for info - you can change it back yourself, I believe

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    I imagine they flew too close to the sun and so were pulled to avoid trouble.

    As for the username thing - that has been happening where people were toggling the mature content filter and their browser was autofilling their email in the username field. Go to the account edit settings and you can change it back.

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    Thank you both. I didn't see the option to change it myself and it used to be that you could only do so through a mod intervention, so it's a relief to now be able to fix things myself.

    It is not a relief that DAZ has in place such a... let's say backward system (to keep things polite) regarding the username being autochanged without notifying the user and that they haven't issued a general warning regarding such an issue. I swear, every time I come here, my urge to compulsively shop drops a few notches.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    IUt isn't Daz chnaging the username, it is the browser or even a tool  within the browser.

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    After reading a bit more on the subject, that may be the case, but DAZ is aware of the issue and no warnings have been issued. It's been quite a while since I last posted over here, and it's been through sheer damn luck that I've done so today and learned of this issue.

    Quite frankly, I would've appreciated a message telling me of the potential issue with some browsers autofilling and changing fields when setting up a permission far more than I have appreciated all the orange banners that do nothing but restate the day's offers.


  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,648
    edited June 2024

    no nose said:

    I'm pretty sure there's other older stuff as well that would get Daz in problem thats still up

    And brand new items, too. There always have been. Some things get pulled, others don't. Some stuff gets EL, and some of the stuff that gets EL isn't even that close to the source. Some things that are spot on get left completely alone, others get EL. Before EL, stuff too close to the source got pulled from the store. Sometimes items get modified before release, too - IIRC that has happened. Keep in mind, though, as I learned earlier, it's primarily up to the PAs to declare the EL status of items and Daz acts as a backup. As we already know, stuff gets through, and sometimes stuff gets pulled later (even with the EL applied). It's the way of things.

    As much as I despise the whole business and will not touch EL items, I can understand Daz wanting to get in on the action - All the other sites do it, too. I do wonder, though, if other sites that used to be villified here for having EL products are still villified here now that Daz does it too. It's definitely a grey area.

    Post edited by Torquinox on
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