In a Daz prop, where is the mesh defined? [Solved]

lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

Mind blown.

I opened up every file in one of the prop downloads I distribute and found no table of ordered triplets defining where vertices should go - no mesh data.

If there's no mesh data in the downlowd, how can users load the prop and see a prop defined by a mesh?

Open up an .obj and you can see the mesh data.

Open up a .duf file and you can't find any mesh data.

Whre is it?

Post edited by lukon100 on


  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    DUF files don't normally hold mess data, that will be in the DSF file in the "data" folder.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    If your prop was saved as an asset DS didn't only create a .duf file, it also created a bunch of technical files in the "data" folder, which hold the actual data for geometry, morphs, UVs, rigging... The .duf file will include references to these files.

    If you look more closely at the .duf for your prop there should be a "scene" section with "nodes" in it. Each "node" should have "geometries", and each "geometry" will have an id and an url attribute with a value like"/data/<vendor_name>/<product_name>/<product_file_name>_<number>.dsf#<id_of_the_geometry>" (and various other properties)

    The actual geometry data for that node is in that "/data/<vendor_name>/<product_name>/<product_file_name>_<number>.dsf" file.



  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Thanks for yr help finding the mesh data, y'all!

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