Anyone else get a survey email

Just got a survey email with a lovely 10 buck store credit which was very nice.
But there is always a but, why design the survey in such a way you have to supply ratings to something you dont want when the survey should have a question asking is this something you want first otherwise the data you get back will be people filling any old values in to just get the survey over with and not providing meaningfull feedback
Just saying
Post edited by Pitmatic on
I got it. The feeling it gave me is that a crappy subscription is coming whether we want it or not.
@G3Renderworks: Same here, but nevertheless thank you DAZ for those 10$!
"What would be the ideal number of Daz characters for you to have access to for the way you work?"
[ ]
(Edited by mod)
Great... If I received it, I get to see it at work in 10 hours... Why can't they send them at the beginning of the day?
I did. The coupon expires 6/14/2024 at 11:59MDT. Spend immediately or lose out.
No survey here. :(
I probably don't spend enough.
Yeh, and I was particularly concerned about how it might relate to DAZ+. I hope it doesn't replace it as my current DAZ+ membership is good for almost 3 more years.
Yeah, I got it. I am not happy about the proposed subscription.
I didn't get it. Not a valued customer. :p Are you able to talk about what sort of questions it asks and what it might mean for Daz+?
I got it. Thanks for the heads-up because I missed it. Honestly, if the subscription was an additional tier that gave enabled AI-assisted workflows and features in Daz Studio using your local content, I wouldn't be against it. I'm of the opinion that Daz needs to go there, but I also understand if they need to fund that via a revenue stream. And by AI-assisted, I don't mean a make art button. Instead, I mean things like up scaling renders, in-painting, slight mesh adjustments and conveniences such as quicker and easier placement/posing. Which is what I put in the survery.
I got it too and made my opinion clear. I'm not averse to a higher-tier subscriber level for additional features, just as the existing Daz+ offers benefits that may or may not be worth the cost for you, but you can use Daz either way.
Existing basic Daz, which costs as much as you feel like putting into buying "stuff" for a free product, needs to stay or I leave. I for one will not use rentware for "fun" activities.
I also did not receive the email with the questionnaire and the coupon. I do not understand what criteria they use to choose who to send the questionnaires to, I hope it is a random sampling and not tied to purchases. However, I remained curious about the topic of the questionnaire and I am sorry I did not receive it.
I didn't get it unless it is in spam, which I will check.
Nothing in my email depository... What was it about?
People, can you specify about this subscription thing? I opted out of DAZ's emails and so suppose I won't get this one, but it makes me kind of nervous ...
Edit: I posted in a hurry, so sorry if it sounded pushy. Of course, what I meant is: it would be real nice if one of you guys could give some more detailed info on the matter.
Strange, I got the coupon (thank you!) but nothing about a survey. I'd actually like to take the survey.
The general gist to me seemed to imply they want to start a daz+ subscription where you get new characters regulary and as a perk you get a different version of daz studio with bells and whistles maybe cloud something too?
nothing, but I concur on no subscription for DS. If it is the AI part, I'm out of that too.
I haven't seen the survey yet, but isn't what you're describing just the thing they did a couple of years ago? Pay up front for several products released over time? Maybe they are just trying to see if they should try the same thing again.
No survey email either
Maybe I'm not buying enough?
I didn't get a survey, but I did have an orange banner today for $10 off a daz original.
I got the survey but no orange banner. I wonder if anybody got both ?
I got none so far ;-). Thanks @Pitmatic for explaining about the subscription! Seems a terrible idea. But I'm getting old, so maybe it's terrific instead, and I'm just too weary to see it.
Only one part of their offering really interested me: The enhanced version of DS.
Since the idea they're talking about is probably coming to us in the near future, it will be interesting to see what they actually do.
The orange banner is probably for recent purchase activity.
I didn't get the survey as my spending at DAZ has crashed, so no either way, no way am I going to a monthly sub for character or any other 3D model access. I will buy new models though from time to time.
No orange banner for me, to go with the no survey.
Guess I'll go eat worms.
Unlikely. I haven't paid money for anything since....*checks order history*.... 2024-04-29. And that was only about $11. And even the $10 off coupon just netted me a free hair and the two most recent DAZ+ freebies/free with purchase for non members.