DZheng catalogue

Hello all!
I couldn't find an existing thread on this, but I'm extremely happy to see this creator come to Daz. One of the very few I've seen making these kinds of outfits for male characters, and with the launch discount and tokens, I already managed to get a selection of items for considerably cheaper than I've ever seen them on Renderosity.
However, I checked the Renderosity catalogue out of curiosity, and even if we don't count the products for older figures (pre-G8), as far as I can tell there's only a little under half of it available on Daz. I don't know if this is the same situation with other "Daz Artist Welcome" creators, but particularly in this case, I'm curious to know if there are any plans to bring even some of the rest of the products to Daz.
You'd have to ask Dzheng to get a definitive answer, but bringing only part of the catalog is coherent with what has happened with various other vendors who moved here.
Yes, I'm also interested in that. Unfortunately, apart from the women's clothes, I don't see a single piece for Genesis 9 - and DZheng have a lot of it, including many that are for G8M and G9. Hopefully this will be delivered later. Of course, I am happy to see DZheng's quality products here as well. Welcome!
A quick glance at the store page looked like female skimpwear full of holes.That's disappointing.
Don't forget that Daz (like Rendo) has a certain tendency to favour the male clientele...
But I am also surprised that this should be necessary for a PA who is famous for his men's clothes.
I was actually planning on trying to use the outfits I bought with G9, and using G8 as a fallback if it doesn't work well. So far I've had probably =>80% positive results in fitting G8 clothing to G9, with things only being completely unworkable maybe 5% of the time. So it might not be too much of a barrier.
I'm not at all suprised that a great majority of what was accepted here was the content he made for females. I'd be perfectly happy if he kept making nice male content and kept it at Rendo. Let Daz have the female skimpwear.
While the G9 items are all female, the majority of what I see in their store is actually content for G8M (109 products out of the 135 available).
DZheng makes far more skimpwear for male characters than female. Take another look, if that sounds interesting to you.
Happy to see his work here, and the sale means I can get some stuff I have wanted for a while. I do, however, hope more of his stuff comes this way, especially for G9. I am curious about these vendors coming because I assumed that once here there stuff would show up here over showing up at other places. But I have seen several new items show up elsewhere and not here. Maybe they don't meet daz requirements? In any case, dzeng's stuff is high quality, and I hope we will get more of the full catalog.
I fully agree with you
I am elated to see DZheng here and hope we get to see much more of his stuff here.
I think Daz may have deliberately frontloaded DZheng's women's items (that is, added them to the listings last, so they'd show up at the top) because they know that women's wardrobe outsells men's wardrobe by so much here. This has done DZheng a disservice, though, because in my opinion his women's stuff is kind of meh (well constructed but meh) because is heart truly is, and always has been, in his men's items. That's where he shows his best work.
I'd rather have his male stuff here. I am too lazy to get it to show up in smart content. So I would much rather be able to install and run it through the daz store
If the conte t has been added to the store in the same fashion as the other artists who recently moved products over, then there will be no smart content categories on the Daz release either.
There's 110 items for men and 34 items for women.
If you're just focusing on G9, you can't find anything made for men anyway. If I was a PA, I wouldn't see the value in making any men's clothing for G9.
I see those now. I must have had some filter active before. But I'm not really into skimpwear for any gender.
I just would like to take this time to tell daz that I am absolutely interested in skimpwear for men and will buy so much of it if I get the chance. Pants with low rise morphs please!
I'm the wrong market for the skimpwear, but I do like some of the footwear.
Ditto. I also see that at some point in the past, I bought the Jodhpurz.
I don't know if any of it migrated over to his Daz store, but he has several sets that Lyone has done texture sets for, and they are pretty decent outfits and texture expansions.
I am a huge fan of DZheng and was so excited to see that he came over to daz.
I had chatted with him a couple months ago and did my squeee and encouraged him to check out daz again.
I think there is plenty of room for all kinds of outfits at daz. We can make whatever we want.... sexy boys, cute girls, swole females, pencil thin males.... it's all ok. It's part of why I love my job.
Give everyone a chance to settle in at daz and get their items into the queue. Our system is quite different from Rendo, so it clearly will take a bit of time for the new vendors to get used to it.
I absolutely have loved all the new vendors that have been coming through. I think the variety makes the whole better.