Mousso's JS Isla HD for Genesis 9 Feminine

in The Commons
Of the many of Mousso's girls bought, I've never had any issues - but - Theres always a first -
JS Isla HD for G9 Feminine is giving me a terrible time - in " texture shaded" the skin shows - In iRay it only displays the head Torso Hips ??
The Arms and legs are PINK ??
Ive installed - un-installed - Deleted - and manually loaded to my library.. - First
Issue of this kind I've ever seen ??
Hope someone can help..

Problem 1.jpg
2000 x 1851 - 225K

Problem 2.jpg
2005 x 1870 - 231K
I would guess that translucency weight is set MUCH higher on the limbs than the other surfaces, or that it's missing a weight map or something similar.
Any other skin loads fine - gotta be a product issue
I'm not suggesting otherwise, just that it's probably easy to fix.
Not the same artist or issue, exactly, but I have an issue where I tried to load the skin textures from one of my recent purchases on another character (either mine or out of the box others) it would only load the head... UNLESS I started with an empty scene, loaded in the character with the skin I wanted, and then merged the one I wanted the skin on. For some dumb reason THEN it would apply just fine.
If you're using the character out of the box, though, that clearly wouldn't work. How does it render?
Which character?
Sarice (
It was the weirdest thing. I've had a couple times working with the custom-with-Sarice-skin-added character where it's randomly dropped everything except the head-skin again, but I'm not sure what did it.
I can't recall the specifics, but there have been multiple reports of Magic Brush characters being improperly set up. You might want to file a ticket.
I considered it, especially after seeing those reports (of course, AFTER I bought the thing) but my previous ticket-filing experience was not one that encourages a repeat.
My last support ticket took 3 weeks before initial answer and 2 more before a fix LOL
I've had a ticket in for over 4 months now without a single response - even after asking if anyone has seen it.
Six months before a response, which was a form letter with a list of documentation they required before they would even look at the issue, including videos of me demonstrating the problem, which I had neither time nor inclination to figure out how to make. All for some missing lights files in an old environment. I wrote back asking if they had the files and if so, could they please provide them. No response... but it hasn't been another six months, so maybe I'm being impatient.
WOW, SilverGirl! Guess I shouldn't complain.
I reached ouit to Mousso to support times, support and she sent a new zip file - hoping it works
You got a fix! That is remarkable these days. Your experience stands out as one of the very best in the past couple years.
Hey, you still haven't gotten a response... might go to seven months and beat me LOL.
I have done a Test with JS Isla HD: no Problem with the iRay tested with UBER and PBR Skin. Also the Render is fine.
Thank You for the test but it doesnt solve my problem - I used the skin from MSO May and it performs well - I think its just a glitch with the originak Isla Skin