Does DAZ save unused weight maps?

I'm thinking of saving the weight maps that I need when I export from DAZ to Blender.
But they don't use more than one bone and I don't know where they are.
And are they saved at all?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You need to select the bone that the weights control.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You need to select the bone that the weights control.

    What if the weight is not associated with more than one bone?

    But it’s just inside the model
    For example, in obj file

    Will Daz see them or not? 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    OBJ file doesn't store any weight data at all... What do you want ? If you want to tweak weight in Blender then bring them back to DS, export to FBX format. Or send figures to Blender with DTB bridge, Diffeomorph Daz Importer, etc.

    Aren't these weight maps?

    I have a weight map that I use for the Solidify modifier(Outline). 

    And I want to load it into daz so that I don’t have to draw a Weight Map every time I export it from daz to blender.

    I'm asking if Daz keeps unused weight maps, if so where?


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024



    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    The highlighted area in your screen shot is Vertex Group (aka Face Group in DS) rather than a weight map... You can easily compare with Weight Map in DS or Blender to differentiate what is vertex group, what is weight...

    DS only keeps used weight maps in DSF/DUF files but just list unused weight maps in Node Weight Brush tools.

    If you want to load the weight maps you painted in Blender, just use the standard function of Copy Selected Weight, after importing FBX from Blender, like what we discussed in this thread -


    It’s just that the blender stores it all in the Vertex groups
    That's why I don't know where my cards are


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:

    I've said in the above thread that I gave the link to you... You need to use DS Public Build otherwise you'll get no correct result with FBX format...

    Do you mean the beta version from

    Try using the Beta vrsion of Daz Studio and export the model from Blender, weighted, in FBX format - the beta has soem updates to the FBX Importer that are not in the current General Release. 

    I've already inserted my weights to bone the ass
    And it seems to be working fine.

    Okay, I think I understand a little how it works.
    FBX stores only weights that involve bones
    and the OBJ is stored only by Vertex Group.
    I can create a fake bone and attach it to the weights.
    But where should I store these weights in the daz.
    I don't want to create extra bones there
    Where is the best place to store them if I want to use them later in a blender?


    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    Yes, Publick Build is the Beta version.

    What do you mean by "where the weights are..." ? In Blender or in DS ?

     I mean daz.

    I want to store these weight maps in a daz.
    So that later when I export them to blender.
    They should not influence the Character itself, but simply be stored.
    But I don’t know where it’s best to store them.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    Why do you still insist on using General Release for handling this case ? You're working on a wrong imported FBX...

    I tried for a very long time to install daz on my disk and rewrite all the links
    I don't really want to do this all over again.
    Because I'm sure I'll make a mistake somewhere

    It seems to me that the problem is mainly with the position of the bones, but weight maps seem to be transferred correctly


    Genesis Female 8

    Do you know where it is better to store unused weight maps in Daz?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    I am still not following what you are trying to do - FBX export from DS is meant to avoid unnecessary data, so if you want to export additional weight maps you would probably need a second export with the maps assigned to bones. If you want to store maps within DS without having affect the model, use a do-nothing dForm or Push Modifier (with a Push Modifier weight node) - which is how the weight-maps for splitting morphs with Morph Loader Pro are stored.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:


    Do you know where it is better to store unused weight maps in Daz?


    That would be fine if you could accept that sort of wrongly-imported FBX result...

    Again, all used weight maps, e.g. node weights (general weight), local weights.. are stored within DSF/DUF files. "Unused maps" are just listed in Node Weight Brush's Tool Settings, since you didn't use and define anything on them.

    I don't know what "unused weight maps" you mentioned imply for...

    "unused weight maps"  are the weight maps that I use in blender. They don't really affect anything in daz.
    In order to transfer them to the daz, I use the FBX model, but I bind the weight to the bone Pelvis, Hip, Addomen lower. Then I load the ORIGINAL MODEL and use Copy Selected on the model. From FBX to model
    The problem is that I cannot create the number of weights I need and rename them

    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    I am still not following what you are trying to do - FBX export from DS is meant to avoid unnecessary data, so if you want to export additional weight maps you would probably need a second export with the maps assigned to bones. If you want to store maps within DS without having affect the model, use a do-nothing dForm or Push Modifier (with a Push Modifier weight node) - which is how the weight-maps for splitting morphs with Morph Loader Pro are stored.

    Do you mean this?


    But I can't insert my weight map


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    crosswind said:

    I am still not following what you are endeavoring to do ~~ At least, you can save the scene file including both G8F figure and the imported FBX with the weight maps...

    I'm not entirely clear either, but I THINK what the OP is trying to do is what would be called a vertex map in C4D. They function in similar ways, but a weight map is for rigging, while vertex maps have much wider applications.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    I am still not following what you are endeavoring to do ~~ At least, you can save the scene file including both G8F figure and the imported FBX with the weight maps...

    I use a combination of Daz and Blender. 

    Daz for the rig and mesh.
    Blender for rendering and effects


    I need weight maps for a blender.
    After all, my modifiers work with them.


    But for daz’s figure they don’t affect anything.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You should be able to copy and paste the weights to a dForm, since it looks from the screenshot as if that is what you want (a transofmration applied through a weightmap).

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You should be able to copy and paste the weights to a dForm, since it looks from the screenshot as if that is what you want (a transofmration applied through a weightmap).

    But then why can't I insert a weight? Button does not work. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    zeni1agent said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You should be able to copy and paste the weights to a dForm, since it looks from the screenshot as if that is what you want (a transofmration applied through a weightmap).

    But then why can't I insert a weight? Button does not work. 

    Which button? Had you copied the other map?

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    zeni1agent said:

    I need weight maps for a blender.
    After all, my modifiers work with them.

    But for daz’s figure they don’t affect anything.

    From what I THINK I understand about what you're trying to do, I think the real answer is that you won't always be able to reproduce the functionality of one program in another program.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    zeni1agent said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You should be able to copy and paste the weights to a dForm, since it looks from the screenshot as if that is what you want (a transofmration applied through a weightmap).

    But then why can't I insert a weight? Button does not work. 

    Which button? Had you copied the other map?

    The selection got lost and I didn’t even notice

    I Exported it but there were a few extra parts


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    That seems to be going to Blender from Daz Studio, but at another stage you were talking about the reverse.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    That seems to be going to Blender from Daz Studio, but at another stage you were talking about the reverse.

    I edit weights in blender because DAZ has a terrible weight editor for me.

    Then I export it to daz and save it on the character.

    And then I load the saved character into blender

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Couldn't you just save in Blender and work there, if that is to be the end result? Extra export/import steps do seem likely to introduce issues.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Couldn't you just save in Blender and work there, if that is to be the end result? Extra export/import steps do seem likely to introduce issues.

    I thought so too at first.
    But then I realized some problems with this method

    1 In blender it is very difficult to copy only the selected weight map.
    I have to use the mesh data transfer addon

    2 Geograft breaks the mesh and it becomes impossible to load it by vertex id
    Loading Geograft as a separate mesh is also not suitable because 1 subdivide breaks the mesh, 2 normals cannot work properly and the shadows are not even. 

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    Richard Haseltine said:

    zeni1agent said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You should be able to copy and paste the weights to a dForm, since it looks from the screenshot as if that is what you want (a transofmration applied through a weightmap).

    But then why can't I insert a weight? Button does not work. 

    Which button? Had you copied the other map?



    Ok, I made dForm, but in what format and is it best to save it in daz?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    A dForm preset.

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