How to save my character and morphs correctly?

I'm trying to save morphs and my character.

But I don’t understand how to save correctly

1 I saved several versions of scenes in case I accidentally made a mistake

2 I used Support assets->Morph assets for save morphs

3 I saved a copy of Character Genesis Woman 8 with extra bones

4 I deleted the old scene from step 1

I tried to load my figure with my morphs

But I got these errors

Missings files scene.duf

And some morphs have disappeared on the figure
But they are in the library

DAZ3D\Base\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs

And I get a message

Dublicate Fomulas Found

log file
Formula target property not found: Genesis8Female:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/
Duplicate formula found linking zEnd & Fem Body in /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Zeni1Agent/Product/ Fem Body.dsf.

I don’t understand how I can save my character and morphs correctly, please explain to me how to fix everything?











  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    It sounds like you have dialed some other body morphs, when you saved yours, and then those are duplicate. You should remove the one you have saved.

    If you have created a morph of your own, then it should be saved as a morph preset - but only your morph.

    Then for saving the character, you can save it with a shaping preset, including other morphs.

    Or you could save it as a character preset, as a ready character.

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    felis said:

    It sounds like you have dialed some other body morphs, when you saved yours, and then those are duplicate. You should remove the one you have saved.

    If you have created a morph of your own, then it should be saved as a morph preset - but only your morph.

    Then for saving the character, you can save it with a shaping preset, including other morphs.

    Or you could save it as a character preset, as a ready character.

    For me, navigating in daz is very difficult. And the names are very similar, so I may not always understand what you are talking about. 

    I created my own morphs with original names and it looks like I can store two versions in DAZ3D\Base\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs
    And in the Character file Duf itself. But I'm not sure.(How do I remove this?)

    Like I said, I saved a copy as a Character.duf
    But changed it added new bones of weight and UV



    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    What do you mean by "I created my own morphs", how did you create them?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,840

    If you added bones you need to save a new figure - File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure/Prop Asset (which won't pick up new morphs etc. added to the base figure, nor vice versa). Until you save a new figure the scene file or Character preset (if used to load a new figure) are the only things that will give you your changed version.

    In general anything you do is embedded in the scene/scene subset/character preset/wearables preset (anthing used to load an item) until they are saved as assets (from the File>Save As>Support Assets sub-menu).

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    When you are saving a morph. there will come up a dialougue box where you shall mark the morphs you want to save, and there you shall only tick your morph(s).

    When there is duplicate morphs it is in the morph folder. A duf file is using references to the actual morph files.

    Did you save the morphs in a subfolder under your own "vendor" name?

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    PerttiA said:

    What do you mean by "I created my own morphs", how did you create them?


  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    felis said:

    When you are saving a morph. there will come up a dialougue box where you shall mark the morphs you want to save, and there you shall only tick your morph(s).

    When there is duplicate morphs it is in the morph folder. A duf file is using references to the actual morph files.

    Did you save the morphs in a subfolder under your own "vendor" name?

    Error "Duplicate formula found"

    Appears when I save a character

    Save as->Character presets

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    Richard Haseltine said:

    If you added bones you need to save a new figure - File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure/Prop Asset (which won't pick up new morphs etc. added to the base figure, nor vice versa). Until you save a new figure the scene file or Character preset (if used to load a new figure) are the only things that will give you your changed version.

    In general anything you do is embedded in the scene/scene subset/character preset/wearables preset (anthing used to load an item) until they are saved as assets (from the File>Save As>Support Assets sub-menu).

    File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure/Prop Asset 

    I got an error

    DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "E:\array\Software\DAZ3D\Base\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\dzcmsconnector.dll" at 0033:00000000858943BB, DzDBContentTable::getCategories()+116120 byte(s)

    Maybe I did something wrong?

    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:

    A couple of suggestions:

    - Don't make your library path too long, too deep. It'll bring you inconvenience and troubles someday. Rebuild your Library path, set "My DAZ 3D Library" as the root directory...
    - Always name the figure, prop, morph assets explicitly. It'll be easier for management and trouble-shooting. (ss1)
    - If you customize the Base figure by adding bones, tweaking weight maps etc., ALWAYS save the figure asset with your Vendor name.
    - Well name the morph properties you created, wisely add prefix and suffix to clearly differenciate them.
    - If you happened to ERC Freeze on a single morph property more than once, you might have chance to get duplicate formula error. Do ERC Bake firstly of all on a Freezed property before Re-ERC Freezing it. Now you may try ERC Bake on that Fem Body property or use the way in this thread to fix duplicate formulas, by removing all formulas (or the wrong formula section ) in DSF file.

    The ACCESS_VIOLATION error is not related to your figure / morph assets themselves but most likely the error when DS connected to postgreSQL cms for retrieving asset Categories. Try relaunching DS firstly, then Stop CMS / Start CMS... then remove all Categories you ever gave to the asset files you created, then re-categorize them as needed, see if the error is gone or not.

    I have Daz installed on an external hard drive. Because there is no memory on the internal hard drive.

    I tried to launch the CMS, it automatically updated Daz

    But why am I getting this message?

    I don’t seem to have any problems with ERC Freezing

    I seem to have a fairly short path to the directory, but for me it is divided into Mine and what I downloaded from the Internet

    I use a prefix so my morphs can't look like downloaded ones



    Appears immediately after I click save


    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    One problem jumps out... You have cyrillic characters in your paths.

    Daz Studio doesn't like anything but US-characters in paths it uses.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    PerttiA said:

    One problem jumps out... You have cyrillic characters in your paths.

    Daz Studio doesn't like anything but US-characters in paths it uses.

    I installed DAZ on the disk and I don’t have kerilitz in the paths.

    I just have an OS in a different language 

  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61

    crosswind said:

    1. In the 1st screen shot of Daz Install Manager, have you noticed that the "database icon" in the upper right corner is greyed out ? It should be in white color if cms service is started and connected. Try clicking it to start cms service, then relaunch DS. Also, in DS, press F2, CMS Settings, re-check the connection status there.

    2. As for duplicate formula error, no matter what reason caused it, you better check the formulas within DSF file... and try what I suggested....

    3. As for crash issue, I'm still not sure... though it seems most likely an issue related to defining or retrieving Categories... Maybe you can try creating a new sub-folder named "Figures", save the figure asset into this folder rather than Character Preset folder... see what will happen.

    I tried to click on the icon but after clicking YES nothing changed

    I checked but Daz refers to an empty folder cms

     I used File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure/Prop Asset on Genesis Female 8 Original Version and Genesis Female 3. But I still get the error

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:

    So you mean there is no ContentCluster folder in the path: C:\Users\Zeni\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms ?  Then where is the cms cluster folder.... or you have multiple Windows account ? And you sucessfully installed postgreSQL ? You may try re-installing it...

    I guessed that when you saved figure assets, DS would retrieve metadata from cms, however, there was no valid connection to cms, then it brought you a crash... But I tested this process on my side without cms connection, I could not reproduce your issue... Odd.

    And better change Port number to 17237 in both DIM and DS - F2 - cms Settings tab... I'm afraid other ports may bring you slow performance or unexpected issues...


    there is only a file cmscfg.json  in the folder

    inside the file


    "DatabaseClusterPath" : "C:/Users/Zeni/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms",

    "Port" : 17237


    ContentCluster  Should it appear after installing Daz Install Manager?


    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • zeni1agentzeni1agent Posts: 61
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:

    After installing postgreSQL, the folder / files of ContentCluster should be well created.

    You should search "ContentCluster" in Users folder on your C drive. See if it locates in the folder of another Windows account, or somewhere...

    I checked the ContentCluster folder in C: and I don't have 

    I tried to reinstall DIM

    But there is still no folder 

    Post edited by zeni1agent on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114
    edited July 2024


    Post edited by crosswind on
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