FBX to DAZ - Anyone capable?

I'm trying to get a model from Sketchfab into DAZ... 
It imports mapped properly... but it 'explodes' the model into many pieces. 
I tried converting to OBJ and importing. Model imports fine... and i KIND OF got the maps imported. But its not rigged. 

Is anyone capable of getting the model ready for DAZ importation with proper maps and rigged? (i dont need the animations)

I'm willing to pay at this point.....
Link to model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/clans-mad-dog-vulture-battlemech-87927ee6338540b88fb8756bfb0713de


  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16

    I can't believe we still cant use FBX properly in DAZ... like what the hell? 

    Im thinking the model will actually need to be re-rigged within DAZ (HUGE eye roll).

  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16

    How would i go about getting the latest Public Build? 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Place an order for free in here: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-beta Then download and install it via DIM. Remember to tick Public Build channel in Ready to Download tab - Filter...

  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16

    Alright so I tried that. The FBX file imported better....sort of. The model is in one piece.

    The rigging however, is outside of the models body/off center by 90 degrees. Its like the bones body is laying on the floor in front of the model. 

    Any tips on how to fix that? Ugh.... im getting my hopes up now! 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    There was no promise that this mecha can 100% work well in DS... You better also check how it works in other 3D applications. If I were you, I would firstly imported it into Blender to check and there's an add-on named Better FBX Importer & Exporter.. If it worked well, I'd exported it with the add-on.

    You certainly can tweaking the rigging in DS if it's really the rigging issue... It's hard to tell for the time being.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    The trouible is, at least in part, that FBX is a somewhat variable standard.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    I'm willing to pay at this point.....

    You already paid $20 for the incompatible sketch fab model
    if you are willing to pay even more why not invest in a similar styled mech that you know will work.

  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16
    edited June 2024

    crosswind said:

    There was no promise that this mecha can 100% work well in DS... 

    I know. I was aware of the potential issues before hand and gambled. I'd really like to make it work though. I'll try your blender suggestion.

    I appreciate your suggestions so far btw. At least I have an actual model in DAZ now.. even if it's not completely functional. But I'd totally joygasm if I could get the rigging to work. Will update later!

    Post edited by Carolinian on
  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16
    edited June 2024

    wolf359 said:

    I'm willing to pay at this point.....

    You already paid $20 for the incompatible sketch fab model
    if you are willing to pay even more why not invest in a similar styled mech that you know will work.

    The model I'm trying to import is a recreation from an IP I'm a fan of. Imagine being a Star Wars fan and wanting to import an X-wing. Some random fighter wouldn't do.

    Post edited by Carolinian on
  • cain-xcain-x Posts: 197

    If you know some Blender, you could try using CATS plugin to convert to MMD pmx format, then using shinokawa's MMDImporter, you can probably get it in rigged and intact. DAZ does not do very well with getting rigged models in so it requires some roundabout methods.

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    Just because a model is rigged, doesn't mean it come with a selection map:

    Without a selection map, you can't pose your model, rigged or not.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Seven193 said:

    Just because a model is rigged, doesn't mean it come with a selection map:

    Without a selection map, you can't pose your model, rigged or not.

    Actually that is not true... FBX format has no such a mechanics (joints / selection group mapping... etc.). A fully functional and correctly imported FBX figure can be well posed in DS, just there's no rotation limits, corrective morphs, yada yada..

    Even if you delete the "selection map" in DSF file of a Genesis figure, the figure still can be fully functional for posing with no issue.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Selection groups are a conveneince, so that you can select bones by clicking on them, but they are not functionally significant for weight-mapped rigging. They are vital for parametric/legacy/(old style-)Poser rigging.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    I'm not sure but if you go to the "Blender" section of the DAZ forums and ask the developer(s) of Diffeomorphic I think they might be willing to help you if they encountered the problems you are encountering frequently enough.

  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16
    edited June 2024

    So I downloaded/installed Blender (yea.. never used Blender. yikes.) 
    -Model imports all screwed up. 

    Purchased and installed better FBX importer/exporter. 
    -Model APPEARS to import perfectly. Model is intact. Textures look perfect. I can see the rigging is there and aligned with the body (this was where DAZ went haywire).

    I can not however figure out how to properly export it. I try saving an export and re-importing my save back into blender, and all i get is a jumbled mess of rigging bones. No model or textures. 

    I've fiddled with the export options that would make sense, to no avail. I've googled. Youtube'd. I just cant figure out what Im doing wrong on the export. 

    Really. Not. Liking. Blender. on this first experience with it. 

    Post edited by Carolinian on
  • CarolinianCarolinian Posts: 16

    cain-x said:

    If you know some Blender, you could try using CATS plugin to convert to MMD pmx format, then using shinokawa's MMDImporter, you can probably get it in rigged and intact. DAZ does not do very well with getting rigged models in so it requires some roundabout methods.

    I dont know Blender... at all. Is that something I have to pay for/can somewhat easily figure out? 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Carolinian said:

    So I downloaded/installed Blender (yea.. never used Blender. yikes.) 
    -Model imports all screwed up. 

    Purchased and installed better FBX importer/exporter. 
    -Model APPEARS to import perfectly. Model is intact. Textures look perfect. I can see the rigging is there and aligned with the body (this was where DAZ went haywire).

    I can not however figure out how to properly export it. I try saving an export and re-importing my save back into blender, and all i get is a jumbled mess of rigging bones. No model or textures. 

    I've fiddled with the export options that would make sense, to no avail. I've googled. Youtube'd. I just cant figure out what Im doing wrong on the export. 

    Really. Not. Liking. Blender. on this first experience with it. 

    Never easily loose confidence in a software just because of a couple of fails. Now you have a pretty good start as Better FBX Imp / Exp has brought your model into Blender with no big issue.

    Have you tried giving it some poses for checking how it works ?  If it works well, still use Better FBX Imp / Exp add-on to export it as an FBX, just with the default setting but change the scale value and fbx version).  Then try importing this FBX into Daz Studio, see how it works.

    If this workflow makes the mecha work well in both Blender and DS, you need no other add-ons. You never have to make things more complicated to achieve a simple goal ~~


    1249 x 978 - 212K
  • cain-xcain-x Posts: 197

    I can give it a shot (using the method I mentioned earlier). DM me.

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