Wrestling and Sports related content

Forgive me if this has all ready been discussed. I was wondering if there were any creators who were making or would help me make sports related content, and wrestling content that I haven't seen on Daz3d. Such as wrestling rings/sets, and title belts. Any information on this would be appreciated. Maybe even custom gear too. I'll be going through lots of tutorials as well.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    Sports related content is a rather broad term.

    Regarding wrestling, there is this and some related stuff if I remember right https://www.daz3d.com/fm-mma-arena


  • foreverscarred1_44b530ee29 Visit this place, it has a free item: renderhub.com/squarepeg3d/free-heavy-hitters-1-3-bundle

    I got that already, this is a G8F, I will install it later

    Another one is Number 4, an item to buy over there, so have a look to that.

    Also, Some Wrestling or another type of fighting to look for, free and paid.

    Good Luck! laugh

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