Problem applying store bought Morph

Hi everyone,

I acquired in the store a pack of Morph to have small breasts and there is something I do not understand.

When I apply the breast Morphs on G8F (the basic figure without Morph) it works fine (the breasts of G8F become small) but when I apply the breast Morphs on G8F which has undergone a Morph (the breasts are flat) then instead of the breasts increasing, they decrease until the breasts are compressed inwards.

I've tried reverse deformations on Yes but I still have the same problem.

Any idea why?



  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    That's how morphs work.

    A "small breast" morph is a set of instructions which tell DS "pull these polygons inwards so the breasts are smaller", not something that says "modify the mesh so it ends up in this target shape whatever the original shape was".

    If you start from a flat chest, using the "small breasts" morph will still do exactly the same as starting from the base figure, ie pull the polygons inward, it won't make the breasts bigger.

  • food.plus13food.plus13 Posts: 133

    Ok thank you for this clarification. I now understand this logic.

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