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@barbult I don't think any thought was given to practical use or behavior for the balloons. Seems like they're just supposed to be decorative props, stick a bunch floating around in a scene. At least that's what I got from the promo pics.
Maybe they're meant to be anchored to a railing, or balloon weights, or maybe some of them aren't fully inflated?
(I dunno, I'm reaching here... if it's the balloon weights theory, there should've been some of those included. I agree there should be an easy "bouquet" grouping.)
Oh darn, that's a grievous oversight by the creator ... Pity! But it got me thinking, didn't we have a product a while ago that made stuff like dog's leashes and such, with dForce IIRC, so you would just have to create a curve between two end points, and it would calculate the rest? I can't remember the name ... Maybe this could be useful for general balloon ribbon posing? Like, not just holding, but also dragging along behind oneself and such ...
Edit: I think I meant this here: No dForce, so it should work with the ribbons if one fixed the loose end somehow, shouldn't it? Don't own the plug-in, unfortunately.
If you feel like giving it a try, I'd love to know/see the outcome, have the plug-in on my WL as well.
I used Sticky Chain on the ribbons in these renders. I made the ribbons white to show up better here. Sticky Chain is designed to make curves. What I really want for a balloon is a straight line going from hand to balloon, so it isn't the perfect tool for this application, but it sort of worked OK.
I don't have the balloons, so I can't test myself.
If you get too much distance between the end and start node of a sticky chain, the chain will be straight, so maybe you can get what you want by using a couple of Sticky Chain on each ribbon (I think it's possible to have multiple chains on the same object) ?
Another possibility, if you have it (I don't), may be the Bend Manager from @Totte's first toolbox ?
Edit: the wishlist offer is a bit disappointing, but it's require a coupon, so won't mess a cart for Daz+ members with Daz+ items in their wishlist.
Yay! Daz midnight! Maybe today --!
Only works of the ropes are rigged (has bones)
Shape Splitter has been on my wishlist for a few weeks, ever since I noticed it a few weeks ago. Trying to buy it using "WISHFUL70" but the coupon code is "Not Valid".
The rules seem simple: it was on the wishlist before today and it's less than 5 items, so it should count.
You missed one crucial rule: it only works if the item is a Daz+ one, which is not the case of the one you're speaking about. Which make it not that useful for Daz+ members because most Daz+ items already have a better discount.
Code is only valid on Daz+ wishlist items.
Or would be if it was working correctly. I'm only getting a few cents off each Daz+ item, and some don't get any reduction.
ETA: Discount is off the nonmember price, which explains the tiny, if any discount I see.
Oh yes! Thanks!
Agreed, not a very useful sale for many of us, espscially as it doesn't stack..
And the current "better discount" is still lackluster compared to how deeply they often go on sale. I've got a bunch of stuff on my WL that's showing $3 at 84% off, but I've seen it considerably under a buck more than once recently.
Sorry, but todays "WISHFUL70"-coupon appears totally useless to me.
- Took some stuff from my wishlist
- Ups, coupon not valid.
- Ah, only DAZ+
- OK, have some 6 DAZ+ wishlisted, in the cart they go.
- Coupon applied.
- Significant price increase as there is no stacking.
- No, thank you.
So the coupon should rather say: Here's a coupon for you guys without tokens interested in DAZ+, but better check if it really helps.
(from the 6 DAZ+ items on my wishlist, two had better regular discounts than with coupon)
or up to 10 items with any Debut New Release"
Could have been interesting without the underlined part. Makes shopping easy this week at least - no purchases on Monday or Tuesday (double tokens days) means no tokens, which likely means no purchases for the rest of the week since prices aren't attractive without tokens.
For a Daz+ member, the coupon is pretty useless.
I have 40 Daz+ items left on my wishlist and 28 of them are even listed at better than 70% discount and if I were to put them in my cart, they would all get better than 70% off discounts without the coupon and without restricting the number of items.
I edited my post above to reflect the coupon doesn't stack with Daz+ discount, making it a really bad deal for members. Daz 3d is offering us members a chance to pay more than nonmembers for the Daz+ items we want the most.
It is also out of step with the Daz+ Deals items, where the additional discount is off the D+ prices.
I see what you mean, but still looks pretty good to me! Thanks for sharing.
The ribbons on the balloons are rigged. That is how I am able to use Sticky Chain.The balloon ribbons have some controls to move (twist,etc.) all the ribbon bones, but that is not what I need. I would like all bones between the hand and the balloon to be straight, like the inflated balloon is pulling up on the ribbon and the hand is preventing the balloon from escaping to the sky. I want the end of the ribbon below the hand to drape down, like a limp string. I wonder if I could get there with the Bend Manager. I have that tool product, of course.
@barbult: Nope, it doesn't do that kind of inverted gravity thing, but a cool idea but I have no idea how to do that. Have you tried to simulate the balloons only using a dforce pin to stick it to the hand and then reverse gravity ?
...actually it increases the price for Daz+ members as most Daz+ items are already discounted more than 70%. Tried it on a 6.99$ D+ item and it went to 7.50$.
So just more of the same old "buy in" rubbish just like every other sale.
Not even anything interesting in the Lightning Deals, old stuff, hierarchal poses for g8.1, and skimpwear.
No, I hadn't thought of that either. It is an interesting idea.
edit: I tried it. The balloon and ribbon exploded into a big mess.
One other thing I noticed about the balloon groupings that doesn't work well for a bouquet... balloons don't float separate like that unless there's some sort of wind involved. They all end up kind of squished together because they're all trying to go as straight up as possible, but the other balloons are in the way.
Yes, in a later post I mentioned a lot of them jump above the everyday D+ price. I did have one of mine stay the same and several go down by 50 cents or less, which isn't enough to get me to buy.
and there is no new DAZ+ item in the new release list so that doesn;t work either. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting slapped in the face at this place.
I have no DAZ+ items in my wishlist either. I never wishlist daz+ items. I usually buy them when released with the buy the 2 get more off, which doesn;t work in this "sale" either.
The Daz+ New release works as a Debut New, activating the various discount (I didn't check if it worked for the wishlist items but it works with other discount).
cool. thanks for that
Ooooooh I'm so bored, this sale keeps dragging on and on ... No multiple banners for combinations, no BYOB, not even fun flash sales every once in a while ... And most stuff in my WL ist basically at normal price. What's the sense in all this? I don't think I've had any worse offers this year than during this poor, poor zombie of a summer sale. And they keep stubbornly at it, don't change a thing ....
Seriously, I wish it was just over already, I've gotten more fun out of playing in the store during every day sales than this June. Sorry DAZ team, but there it is ...