What does FOV Length do?

I understand how to manipulate Depth Of Field by changing Focal Distance and F/Stop settings, but what does the FOV Length do? It’s the third plane with the X in it. Moving it toward/away from the camera doesn’t seem to do anything.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    You are correct in that it does not change any camera settings, it is more of a convenience setting that moves the displayed plane to somewhere appropriate. It could be off-scene, or behind some structure, or in too close to tell where it is. Look at the camera from the side and you will see the FOV plane somewhere along the sight line. Move it in or out to get it close to the subject of the shot. If you have a lot of cameras, it might be confusing to tell which camera is doing what.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    You're right ~ FOV Length has no effect on a Camera in DS, while FOV Diagonals (calculated based on Focal Length and Frame Width) are meaningful but there's no such a property on Daz Camera.

    You may use this script to calculate FOV Diagonals if you have interest - http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/rendering/calculate_fov/start

  • tubbesingtubbesing Posts: 48

    Thanks for the answers. I was so used to just looking through a camera that it didn't occur to me that a visible FOV plane might be useful.

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