Correcting morphs

Hello everyone. 

I made a new character morph (full body + head) based on g8f. My character is a little shorter than default g8f figure and has some curves. I rearranged (not sure if I am using correct word) bones so it would fit new geometry, and all seems more or less normal, but some poses doesn't look good. For example when the stomach area is bended inward there are very ugly bumps. The same goes to pelvic area, when the caracter sits. I can correct this in blender, making new morphs, but I want to include those corrections in base character morph, so it would "work out of the box". Is it possible somehow? Would be grateful for any information regarding this issue. 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857

    You can link the corrective morphs to bends and the shape - but don't use ERC Freeze twice in succession on the same controller or you will get Duplicate Formula errors and your new links will be discarded, instead you need to use drag-and-drop inbto the Property Hiearchy (with rhe Parameters pane in Edit mode, right-click option) to set up the links.

  • arbudinarmarbudinarm Posts: 3

    Thank you, I will try to do as you suggested. Although I am very new to rigging, and would be grateful for any related tutorial/article. 

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