Annoying Iray bug!!!!

I have 3 video cards so i'm able to keep iray open and have pretty much instant preview..This works great, exept occasially i switch to shaded view when i'm posing, then once i'm done posing i'll switch back to iray view, check lighting etc... 90% of the time when i switch from shaded viw to iray, daz goes through the motions of preparing scene, this can take up to 30 seconds.... What makes this annoying is that it does not always do this, sometimes when I switch the viewport to iray from texture shaded, it does it immediatly with out having to prepare the scene.
If the material have not changed, there should be no reason to reload the entire scene.
Just wondering, am i doing something wrong? how does this work for everyone else?
OSX El Captian
Titan Z
Asus 780GTX
I'm not sure it's a can do similar things with 3Delight and progressive rendering/spot rendering. I just don't know what the conditions are that will force a reset/recompile of the shaders, etc, but there are obviously some.