SOLVED - Remove ERC Freeze From Multiple Morphs

avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218

I am creating an alternate figure of Genesis 2 Female using Genesis 8 Female as the base shape (done with that part) but I have rigging on all the existing morphs still conformed to the original shape. I will need to refreeze everything, but first I need to clear all the rigging. Is there a quick way to do that (either in Studio or just editing the .dsf in Notepad9++)?

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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited May 2024

    1stly, I'm not 100% sure but you're making a G8F's clone on G2F, is that correct ?

    2ndly, to clear the frozen ERC on a morph property, you can do it with ERC Bake (Delta Add, Add, Substract)... which is just under ERC Freeze menu item in Edit mode. Then, re-rig it, refreeze ERC and re-save morph asset(s).

    Just in case... if you encounter errors for whatever any reason when processing ERC Bake, you also can: with the morph dialed, export the figure to OBJ file. Delete the morph property as well as the saved DSF file in data folder. Import OBJ with MLP, then rig it and ERC Freeze...

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218

    Yeah, those are the normal steps, but you have to do it manually one morph at a time. All of the morphs on the G8F shaped GF2 mesh look fine, but adjusting the rigging to account for the new base shape is a slow enough process without the addded step of clearing the old formulas. If I just adjust the rigging and freeze, I'll end up with duplicate formulas on every morph. If I don't make the right changes, the rigging will distort all the morphs. Even if I go with the third option, which I was already considering, there is still the hassle of exporting and reimporting all those morphs. 

    I really wish there was a more automated way to do these things. I've always wished that there was an option to over-write ERC's if you refreeze.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited May 2024

    1st, there's no way of doing batch ERC Bake or ERC Freeze, you have to do it on the moprhs one by one.

    2nd, I assume you're using the older version of DS... with the latest version of DS, DS has a mechanic of creating unique urI for each morph the user creates. So I don't think you'll get duplicate formulas with the latest DS version. And even if you use the older version, as long as you name the morph uniquely, you shouldn't get duplicate formulas either.

    3rd, You have no way in DS to refreeze ERC on a morph property with frozen ERC, ERC Bake has to be done firstly. But as you said, yes, you can manually edit DSF file by removing the coding block of all formulas. Then reload your Base figure. That'll be much faster ~~

    Finally, a script may always be able to automate these process... but that would be another topic ~~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218

    I'd be interested in that topic.

    I occassionally edit .dsf and .duf files, and the main issue is that they can have a million or more lines of code. I'd probaby need some advice on identifying what I can delete without breaking 'em. Most of the time I just cut them down to the necessary settings so I can actually find them, then manually update the sliders inn Studio to make the actual changes. 

  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218

    ... Now that I think about it, to manually edit the morphs I'd have to do it one .dsf at a time. I'm not so great at scripting or batch coding that I can automate the process externally.

    In the end, I can fall back on removing the links in the Property Editor one by one, since that does not lock up my system like ERC Bake.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited May 2024

    Well, actually it's pretty easy if you want to remove ERC formulas in DSF file:

    - Open one of your DSF file, search "formulas" or just scroll down a couple of lines. You'll find it.
    - Click LMB to place the cursor at the beginning of that line. Scroll down (or drag scroll bar downwards) to the line of "morph" coding block. Hold Shift key, click the line before "morph". Now the formula coding block is fully selected. Hit Delete key twice !

    Then Ctrl + S to Save the file. Reload your Base figure. You'll see frozen ERC are removed. So even if you have 100 morphs, such a job could be done within 15 minutes ~~


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    Post edited by crosswind on
  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218

    I was just figuring that out myself. I really appreciate the feedback, though. Kudos to you! Thanks!

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Great ! You're welcome !

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