XTransfer - Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 problems

Just purchased XTransfer - Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 (because I've given up on the other one) and tried to run it with a simple character, following the instructions in the manual. Just before finishing, Daz crashed, and the poor thing looks like this. Would anyone have any ideas?

Transporter accident.jpg
1289 x 688 - 148K
Post edited by jtdekoning on
I've seen quite a few folks ever complained about this product or reported issues from time to time... It seems that you have to fix a few things after running the conversion...
However, no pose is there, so it should not be an issue related to adjust rigging to shape. Since you said DS crahsed when the process was nearly completed, I assume the script failed to completely and correctly write geometry data to the morph file(s). Better re-run the conversion... if the crash as well this issue persists, try it with the latest DS Public Build. And send a ticket if they both fail you... for requesting support or refund as you wish...
Actually you may not need such a product... Jay's "fit suit method" can convert these figures across the generations... - https://youtu.be/jROlY34tNNU?si=diIa3nr850Q8y1Y8
Sometimes that happens. Delete the converted files and try re-converting.
crosswind said:
Sorry, but I am not trying to convert to Gen 9, but get Gen 3 to Gen 8
So, I deleted the converted files and tried again, as gordig suggested. For the technical boffins, here is the troubleshooting log file. She sill looks like she's been through a teleporter accident.
No ~ as I said above, I meant that solution could be used across all Genesis generationS, not only for G9. You just follow the steps to make them work on a G3 and a G8...