Decimator plugin -- only polygons are removed?

It appears the decimator plugin only removes polygons?
I have decimated an object (dark sword) down 200 polygons, exported as collada, and imported to blender. Blender shows 30000+ vertices, and the file is over a megabyte. Is there some setting that I missed to remove non-connected vertices?
Well, Decimator doesn't remove those vertices for you... You have to tick "Remove Unused Vertices" when exporting the prop to OBJ...
And don't 1stly export to DAE as it won't really remove unused vertices though it has such an option. If you do need a DAE format to Blender, export to OBJ than import it to DS, then export to DAE.
Yeah but how many Polygons were there?
Some 150 polygons, as expected. Eventually, I found the 'select connected' and 'invert selection' options in blender to delete the unwanted vertices before re-export, and that worked to reduc the model size to 30 kB both mesh and texture.
Export to .obj file without the disconnected vertices worked, thanks.
And ~ you can also direclty use Decimate modifier in Blender, it's quick and may bring you better result.