If money was no object, and you were going to get a system exclusively for DAZ rendering and animation, what video card would you get? (Some Photoshop too...)
I would naturally assume that the system would need the fastest processor and the most RAM available..
If money were literally no object then muliple top-of-the-range Axxxx cards.
Yeah, 4+ RTX A6000s in a dual-Epyc system with at least a terabyte of RAM.
The reason that I was wondering, is that I often see high end gaming cards, but when it gets to specific 3d rendering cards, there are a lot that show up in magazine that cater to professionial rendering and software other than DAZ. I figured that the people working at DAZ, weren't using things that take 8 hours to render a very detailed scene.
I looked at the PUGET site, (just for grins), and the system configure options doesn't include DAZ as a software option. I realize that if you're going to spend $25,000, you are probably not going to be using DAZ to render stuff.
Well, Iray is the important bit rather than specifically Daz Studio - but yes, the high-end applications do get certified drivers for the high-end GPUs, and to an extent you are trading speed for stability (so if your scenes aren't complex enough to benefit from the extra memory you might be better off with 4090s anyway, even without having bedgetary constraints - unused memory on the GPU confers no benefits on rendering).