Which brushes/tools to finish this helmet?

I finally managed to kitbash a helmet together that's pretty close to the drawings I did as a teenager of comic book character I created and want to revisit. I've been able to merge the individual items into a single OBJ (see attached screenshot) and I'm looking to take that into Blender and finish it off. But while I kind of understand how to smooth things out (I'm just past total Blender newbie, but not by much) I'm not sure how to do more advanced things.
For instance, I'd like to connect the various bits around the bridge of the nose. I'd also like to make everything feel like it's all one piece (the wing-like pieces on the side of the head merging together with the lower face-mask shape, for instance). Which brushes and/or other tools would I use for a job like that? Do you have any tips? Please let me know.

You can use a boolean modifier to join the meshes if they overlap (but they have to be seperate objects).
But a boolean operation can get a little messy on the topology, so I prefer to match vertexes in modelling mode and then merge or bridge the vertices/edges
If there is a gap, you should bridge them in modelling mode. Select one edge on each "object" and press 'f' (face), and you will create a face between the 2 edges.
Or you can just go with proportional editing instead of brushes, to fit the various pieces together. You usually use brushes to sculpt with multires, whereas proportional editing works on the current mesh.
p.s. Then for general help on modeling you may find better answers at https://blenderartists.org, here it's more dedicated to daz conversion.
Thanks for the replies. I'm not sure I 100% understand, but I'll do some googling, try some stuff out, and then come back as necessary.