DAZ Interface stuttering

I'm experiencing a weird behaviour in DAZ Studio 4.22: Once I load a scene and start working on it, the interface and, somehow, the whole software starts "stuttering" and slowing down with no reason.

Even if I run a new seesion of DAZ Studio and leave it be for few minutes with an epty scene, when I try to move the view or add a prop to the scene, it hangs and stutters terribly.

It's more noticeable when using shortcut keys to move the view, using the commands directly on the workspace makes things a bit more faster but still the software takes a while to execute any other command or operation.

It's a known issue or it's just me?


  • TimberWolfTimberWolf Posts: 290

    WIndows 11 by any chance? Our dev machines experience this and for us it's caused by 100% CPU useage; it's also proving impossible to pin down exactly which Windows process(es) cause this but I think it's explorer. MS acknowledged an explorer bug last year and later claimed it was fixed but we're still seeing the issue. Firing up the task manager (shortcut: CTRL+ALT+ESC) does trigger interrupts to stop this happening but it needs to remain running, although you can minimise it. Close Task Manager and the CPU will happily ramp up to 100% usage again. Our PCs are not networked or virus infected. Our render box (Windows 10) does not suffer from this.

    This doesn't happen to every PC with Win 11 installed so this might not be your issue even if you use it. I doubt it's a Daz Studio issue though; if it was, there would be a lot of posts about it. Reinstalling the OS didn't help us but if it's not going to cause you a massive inconvenience then it might be worth trying.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    DS occasionally brings me such a similar issue with Win11... though it's not really a high load with CPU. Then after a while, it turns all good.

    I have seen quite a few tiny bugs in Win11. I never experiended these issues with Win10.

    And btw, did you have an older version of HEAT plugin installed ? That also brings you unexpected laggy when manipulating your scene.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    No, I'm on Win10 and the CPU never goes over 10% when this happens.

    It's just DAZ Studio that goes slower slower by time, even if I don't load anything in the scene or make any action. I start the session, leave it alone for five minutes and it's already slow.ù

    I don't have HEAT installed since I make all my animations by myself.

  • TimberWolfTimberWolf Posts: 290

    Well at this point I'd just nuke the drive and reinstall the whole lot. You can go down an endless rabbit warren of updating drivers (or installing older ones), checking BIOS settings, searching for that one process or service that one person shut down that cured all their problems. You can download monitoring software to see if your CPU is approaching a thermal throttling limit and so on and so on. 99 times out of 100 none of this will be applicable to you. Format, reinstall, test. Install Studio before anything else.

    Windows 10 and Studio 4.22 work perfectly for me and my colleagues who use the production render machine. Windows 11 and Daz 4.22 is problematic... on our particular machines with our particular setup and our particular software installation. I haven't found a large number of people who have problems with Win 11 and 4.22 but other people have reported problems with Maya/C4D etc. It's something to do with a combination of hardware and software that we'll never pin down so at the end of this development cycle those machines are being reverted to Windows 10.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    At the moment it's impossible do such a thing, i'm in the middle of an important project, I can't lose two days resetting my workstation and reinstalling all the stuff. crying

    Anyway, as I said the CPU never reaches more than 10% of usage when this happens. The whole system is perfectly working and not thermal throttling... sad

    The only "bug" is the DAZ's interface that goes slow and slow and only when I use the keyboard shortcuts to move the view. If I grab an object and move it around, it's perfect, superfast as expected. Same thing if I move the view using the commands on the workspace (those on the upper right part), the view moves around perfectly. frown

    It started in about hours, with no apparent reason beside a Windows update I had pending since a while. I'll try uninstalling that, perhaps it has something worng with mouse or keyboards.



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    Do you have the Heat plugin installed? That caused similar issues. There were updates to it which helped, I think, but I don't know if all problems were resolved. I never installed it, so I am only repeating what I've read in the forum.
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    barbult said:

    Do you have the Heat plugin installed? That caused similar issues. There were updates to it which helped, I think, but I don't know if all problems were resolved. I never installed it, so I am only repeating what I've read in the forum.

    No, it's not installed. I checked to be sure and I completely uninstalled and deleted all its files. What baffles me the most is the fact the interface slows down and stutters only when I act on it using the shortcut keys from my keyboards. If i move stuff or change camera angles only with mouse, all is smooth and fast.

    I have two on my system and both have the same behaviour.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    I haven't noticed any strange behavior related to keyboard shortcuts. Which shortcuts are you using - ones built in, ones you created, or ones set up by same product?
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    The DAZ's insterface defaults: ALT+Mouse movements/Clicks, the ones you can change in the base settings.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    How much RAM do you have?

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    PerttiA said:

    How much RAM do you have?


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    It's possible that you are running out of RAM, in which case Windows starts using virtual memory (your drives) to compensate.

    Have you checked with GPU-Z, how much RAM and VRAM are you using?

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    I'm sure that's not a RAM or VRAM issue and my Virtual Memory is set to a super fast SSD that I designed only for that role.

    It's something inside DAZ Studio itself. I'll try rolling back to a previous release.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Ok, found the issue. is 20x times faster than 4.22.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Imago said:

    Ok, found the issue. is 20x times faster than 4.22.

    For Iray rendering? That sounds like a GPU issue (supprted hardware or driver age).

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Imago said:

    Ok, found the issue. is 20x times faster than 4.22.

    For Iray rendering? That sounds like a GPU issue (supprted hardware or driver age).

    No, Texture Shaded, I don't use IRay.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    How do you measure that it is 20 times faster - which operation?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    Maybe it is the Disply Optimization setting in Preferences, on the Interface tab. It should be set to Best. That is my best suggestion. I don't have an interface stuttering problem in 4.22, with 32 GB of RAM in my system.
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    felis said:

    How do you measure that it is 20 times faster - which operation?

    Well, it's a simple feeling when moving the view point in the workspace. That's my issue, slow interface that gets slower and slower at the point the whole software (not the PC) gets incredibly slow.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    barbult said:

    Maybe it is the Disply Optimization setting in Preferences, on the Interface tab. It should be set to Best. That is my best suggestion. I don't have an interface stuttering problem in 4.22, with 32 GB of RAM in my system.

    It's always at Best option. I tried turning it on and of few times, nothing changes for the issue.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Are you logging in to Daz Studio?

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    PerttiA said:

    Are you logging in to Daz Studio?

     No, I'm always off-line with DAZ Studio. I use the DIM for products installations.

    The issue started suddenly some days ago, no changes in the system beside few product updates that I'm pretty sure can't influence DAZ's interface, they were few textures sets or something like that, not even plugins.

    I even disabled and unisntalled many of the plugins I had in my DAZ Studio, nothing changed. DAZ Studio simply starts getting slower and slower without making the CPU or GPU usage rise nor making any operations at all. It sits there and gets slower by time without any actions by me.

    I got a couple of QTCore crashes (or something like that) while handling parameters or changing materials' textures but it's the normality with DAZ Studio.

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