Dear Alessandro, What About the Rabbit? (Answered, Yay!)

Dear @Alessandro Mastronardi, I really really don't mean to be a pain, please don't feel pressured in any way! But I just have to ask: What about the wonderful rabbit you teased us with a while ago and rendered such cute pictures of? In the comments, you said it would be ready in a few weeks, but we haven't seen anything yet, sadly. Is it still alive, the poor thing?
I also remember that maybe a year or even two ago, there also was a thread about your rabbit figure, and that it was basically done and ready for release back then, and you would give it to us soon. Soooooo ... I'd just like to know, is it still happening, are we gonna get the figure anytime in the near future? Or is the project cancelled or something? I would really love to have a realistic rabbit and/or hare, and in the thread as well as in the comments to the renders in gallery, many users expressed the same wish. So I thought it was very much worth asking.
Even if you don't feel you want to release it as a full product for whatever reason, I would love to throw my money at it as an add-on, morph, or in any other way, shape or form!
It would be lovely to hear from you on this.
Respectfully - Tina
Edit: I still can't figure out how to tag users with names with a space included, dang ... Hope it's still seen ...
I've been waiting for this. He posted some pictures on his Facebook a few weeks ago.
I thought I'd also give the link to main gallery render of the sweet thing, for those who read this thread and haven't seen the rabbit yet, because I'm not sure if it's okay to copy the actual image in here. So this is the link:
Here's a link for Alessandro that should work for alerting him to your thread.
Thanks Melanie! So @Alessandro, I'm hoping you'll see this
Edit: Nah, I'm still doing it wrong ...
If I hover over it, it brings up the whole username, so I don't think you're doing it wrong.
Oh great then, thanks! Hopefully, he'll see it, too.
Hello guys no worries, the rabbit is in QA right now and so it will come as soon as it's tested. I'm sure you will like it, it will be a massive release.
YESSSS, great news! And thank you SO much for answering!
I eagerly await it's release.
Count me in!
There's a whole bunny swarm coming!
...pardon me, I'll just be over here perishing of the cuteness.
I don't even know what the hell I'm going to do with one rabbit, let alone so many options, but for these guys I WILL FIND SOMETHING.
Wabbit season for Elmer
Ohhhhhh boy, that was surely worth the wait! And there's HARES in there, too! Be still, my beating heart ... (*bounces up and down grinning madly, money clenched in sweaty fist*)
Here, take my money, which I don't need.
Hello, it's really an "army of the rabbits", with a total of 64 unique ones. There are hares and the jackrabbit, the super fluffly angora's, tiny tiny dwarf and mini lop rabbits, the continental giant which is huge and a lot, lot more...
A "colony" is like a "herd" of rabbits. An Army is a lot of frogs, which is funny because, in Germany, there is a sign indicating Slippery When Froggy. But yeah, that's a lot of rabbits. The Continental Gaint—I have seen one while on duty guarding a NATO site. I thought it was a dog until it lifted its ears away from its body.
The Continental Giant Rabbit
E dopo il coniglio arriva il gatto...
Vero? [occhioni imploranti stile Gatto con gli Stivali]
Even in Los Angeles we had pet bunnies. I have vivid memories of how well they can bite a little girl's hand.
My newly refreshed store credit is reserved now for the onslaught of bunnies.
Attached is sculpture of a Jackalope I encountered on a morning walk one day.
I've seen some of the examples on Alex's fb page, TRUST me folks, you won't be disappointed! LOL
OMG they look lovely, I want them allllll!
My wallet is groaning already, but GIMME THE WABBITS!!!!
I have four (no, as of last week, sadly only three) little furries of the species at home atm, dwarf lion's heads and giants, plus wild hares as neighbors on the meadow, and I can attest to the fact that these here bunnies look absolutely life-like. I'm definitely going to get them all, it's like a fever dream come true ;-) I wonder how many add-ons there will be? Or maybe the splitting of the packs has not been decided yet? Either way, I'm one happy camper right now!
How hard will it be to change fur color? In case I want a pink rabbit, or such.