morph loader pro options no longer selectable

I have created a G9 morph with mesh grabber. I exported the base mesh with the deltas as an .obj file. Then I tried to use morph loader pro to load the mesh as a morph. It is necessary to select "reverse deformations" when loading it. But there is now no way that I can see to set that flag. "reverse deformations" is set to "no" and I cnnot change it to "yes." I could do that some time ago. Not now. How do I change the value of "reverse deformations" from "no" to "yes" In morph loader pro?
I an using Daz Studio Pro Edition (64bit) Public Build on a widows 10 box.
It is maddening when something I used to do no longer works. Am I making a mistake somewhere?
OK. I figured it out. One changes the value of an option by right-clicking on it. Then a dropdown appears from which you can select "yes."