Made a rough HK G3A3 rifle model out of solids...kinda looking for some guidance

mr_tinkerjeepmr_tinkerjeep Posts: 0
edited May 2024 in Daz Studio Discussion

I DLed DAZ 3d a while ago and have been self learning stuff offline. Got a bit bored with the lack of cool firearm for props, so i began making some out of solids. Also made a vehicle (90% completion) and im wondering two things,

1) is there an easy way to join individual solids into a solidified part?

2) does anyone care?

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited May 2024

    Moved to Daz Studio Discussion - Product Suggestions is for would like to see/in search of threads rather than how to questions.

    You could export as OBJ (File>Export) and reimport, making sure you use the same preset in the options dialogue each way (OBJ doesn't have a fixed scale or axis system, the options dialogue sets what options are used) - you would want to include all visible geometry, assuming you didn't have a visible figure or othjer elements in the sene that you were using as a guide. You would want to watch the Surface names, though, to be sure you could apply different colours as desired.

    Despite having moved this to the Daz Studio forum I would be more inclined to use a dedicated modeller, such as Hexagon here in the store here or Blender, for a complex model.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • i finally got the rifle model about as finished as possible, considering some limits. exported it as an .obj file to a Bryce file type, making sure dialog window specs were good. imported it back to DAZ model and now its all one piece. that was less painful than i thought. thanks for the help! now i just have to figure out how to stick it into a few older PC games as a weapon mod.
    3326 x 1862 - 2M
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