Rogue or Rouge?

Okay I see this error so often that now whenever I see either word that I have to think gee is it the correct word? So I start looking for indications of whether it should be rogue or rouge. like if the word is spelled rouge I look for reddish color, and if I don't find it I kinda think that it is supposed to be rogue... I am not seeing much reddish color in the "FG Rouge Tavern" product... So which is it?
Post edited by Malandar on
I looked at the File List in the Read Me and the first line is:
/data/Fugazi1968/FG rogue tavern/FG Antlers/FG Antlers.dsf
It looks like 'Rogue' is the correct name, but whomever wrote the copy goofed. I have an author I edited for which I have a special search for this word alone, as he routinely flips it in his usage.
Yeah I am into the Fantasy genra and I see people mess it up a LOT. Though usually it is by people who don't have editors lol.
In the Warhammer 40000 universe, there's an archetype of character called "Rogue Traders" (basically explorers/adventurers given permission to war-profiteer), but we have a joke on one forum about "inexplicably wealthy make-up salesmen and their nemeses" because of the sheer number of times people write "Rouge Trader" instead.
Haven't you heard of "painting the town red"?
This will always be my favorite of the "Star Wars" movies.
Hahaha That's great.
I laughed out loud, HARD
Well so we don't dump on FG solely, a recent product had a 'bearbarrel' instead of a 'beerbarrel'. I kept looking for the bear in the product. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
English is a crazy language and difficult for those of us who only speak and write it in a barely literate form. Little gods help those who have to learn it later in life and actually be literate in it.
One of my favourites on this note is the "Zombie Hoard" pose set (rather than zombie horde) - the perfect pose set for the person who is obsessively collecting zombies they don't need.
I'm afraid I am cranky enough that "Rouge Tavern" was an automatic no-buy (even though it wasn't the PA's fault--cautionary tale, Daz, maybe hire some copy editors again, eh?) I see this all the time on DeviantArt and other places and it just grates me hard. I try to be kind because I know English is not some folks' first language and it's a pain in the ass, but this one just makes me want to throw something across the room.
(Please understand that I am basically a writer by vocation and avocation, and I have a large, well-worn drum which I bang a lot about this kind of thing.)
I think the problem was made worse by the Sonic the Hedgehog universe, which has a character named Rouge who is basically a rogue.
Honestly, the "remember the right name to find something in the library" game is tedious enough as it is without spelling mistakes (not helped by being British and often having to guess when Americans use a different term for something).
I completely failed to find in my collection a week or two ago and only found it again by sheer chance yesterday (far too late for it to be useful), because I remembered it as "Solar Hall", and none of the searches on the store, in the library or on PoserContent could match "Solar" to "Sun".
I have actually sometimes not bought products not because I don't think I would use them, but because they've got an unclear name and the searches available are poor enough that I don't think I could find them again when I needed them.
(When Daz Deals used to provide "show only owned" as part of the free version, that was sometimes useful - assuming the item was still on the store - because I could then use all the store filters and just brute force finding a product I owned, but now a Daz Deals subscription costs more than I pay for Daz+, that's no longer an option).
Love it Oso. Now add some honey mead to it maybe...?
LOL, I love that meme. As some people here know, I'm an officer in The Rebel Legion, an international Star Wars costume/cosplay club for "hero" costumers. We used to have a subgroup for women who cosplayed as hero pilots, that was called Rouge Squadron, a play on the original Star Wars Rogue Squadron, an X-Wing squadron in a series of novels. I still have the Rouge Squadron t-shirt with a picture of a female X-wing pilot captioned "Kiss Your Death Star Goodbye!"
(Note: It is legal. Disney & LucasFilm allow the Rebel Legion & 501st Legion (Stormtrooper & other villain cosplayers) to make merchandise with restrictions such as only going to full members.)
I always grind my teeth when i see people use "Viola" when they mean "Voila!"
"Behold! A flower or musical instrument!"
voilà => a French word often used also in Canada by both English and French speakers.
Means something like "and here it is!"
viola => a musical instrument
violet => flower, colour/color
I've also seen far too many people spell it as wallah. smh
For added fun, wallah means "by God" in Arabic.
Probably because some people pronounce it like that.