RESOLVED - Forcing Save-As with an "On Launch" and "On New" default scene

Hey folks,
I really like being able to set a default scene to load on-launch/new, but unfortunately Daz loads this scene as itself, not using it as a template like other software like C4D does with default projects.
In other words, if you accidentally hit save the first time instead of save-as, you've just overwritten your default scene.
Is there a way to force Daz to treat default on-launch/new scenes as Save-As required scenes?
Post edited by mmdestiny on
Not that I am aware.
But in WIndows (assuming you are using that) you could write-protect it. I would then assume DS then would come with an error.
Else, as soon as you have loaded it, you could save it with the new name.
If you chnage the Author name in Edit>Preferences, save your scene, then revert the name to your usual it will no longer save the scene without prompting for a name (like File>Save As).
If so, do not assign a "Scene file" into On Launch. Instead, assign a "Scene Subset file", i.e. you save all the objects that you want to load on DS opening from that Scene file, as a Scene Subset. Then assign the file into On Launch field.
In this way, there'll be no file name on DS title bar after loading this default Scene Subset, so you don't need to worry about hiting Save accidentally...
PS: If you want to include Render Settings, remember to choose the nodes of Tonemapper Options and Environment Options when saving the Scene Subset.
Thanks for the responses. I went with crosswind's suggestion -- seems the most versatile (I can see being able to easily and seemlessly swap default subsets if I move between different workflows) and probably has the least room for screwing up something unintentionally.
I just set my default scene to read only in Windows. If I try to save it, it reports an error and does not overwrite it. Then I know I need to Save As instead.
You really don't have to see that message as well as set the file as Read-Only... A scene subset will do a better job.
Or, if you'd like, you can edit the duf file of the default Scene with Notepad++, in the line of "Type", change "scene" into "scene_subset". It'll give you the same result that'll never let you worry about Save / Save as... 'cause it's just a default scene with no name...