Question about pricing

in The Commons
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I'm really curious why accessories for G1 and G2 are typically more expensive that props and accessories for G8 and G9. I understand the reason for putting G8 & G9 on sale to move them but are people still buying G1 & G2 stuff? Wouldn't more of it move if the cost was discounted?
If one is a Daz+ member, their items are often discounted quite abit ... I just browsed through "pages" of stuff all about $6.
The other explanation is that even with lower prices, you are dealing with "antique dealers", a relatively small group of people who are looking for products for deprecated or less used figures. There are reasons that antiques are not perpetually "on sale" that involve more than scarcity. On a new product for a new figure, you benefit from lots of new sales even though there may be a steep discount. Then, there is the period when the product is not on sale where the higher price balances with the rarer sales. Finally, you have the point when almost no one uses the figure, so purchases happen a few times a year, so reducing the price doesn't really increase profit (are there people really waiting to buy a genesis character for years and years waiting for the price to drop?); you sell three more but have to drop the price to a third....
Turns out, I was hanging around waiting to scoop up older Genesis generations' stuff. But lately that's not paying off the way it did in the past. So I'll probably stop hanging around soon.
When I got started a dozen years ago, the older stuff was often significantly cheaper in both absolute and relative terms, and I bought a fairly large collection of the outdated. Most of the items were still useful. By now, some of them have lost a bit of their past usefulness. They don't autofit properly in Daz Studo; they need retexturing if they're going to be near the foreground; and so on ... but, hey, I can tweak and I like texturing. So, sure I'd buy more if they were cheaper.
In recent years, fewer older items are reaching prices where they're attractive if they need reworking or manual refitting to a different character. And I'm having some other issues with the new stuff. So I probably have about 90% of what I'm ever likely to buy, with Daz's current approach, and I've given up on some of the things I was waiting for.
I observed the same thing. Years ago, the older generations could be purchased at a significant discount. That is not the case any longer. Even though I am heavily vested in G8, I prefer G2 & G3 because rendering is less memory intense. In fact, recently I even began looking at G1 items but discovered that a lot of them are higher priced than G8.
I don't see it that way. Daz store is a game. I find the Daz store always requires some patience and a willingness to strike when the iron is hot. I spend more at the holidays, usually. This year, I did pretty well at MM and Easter. The day-to-day sales don't do much for me. There's usually a nice promo or two in the second half of the month (though sometimes the promo comes early). The big sales arrive and I can usually get some treasure. I missed a few opportunities over the holidays last year - Really good G2 promotions and a surprise opportunity for something newer and big. My mistake for hesitating. Oh well. Some items still elude me. Not worried. They'll all come around again. They always do!