Recently upgraded to windows 11 and now it is "writing assets" when I load a scene

So, I recently upgraded to Windows 11. I've noticed every time i go to load a scene, it takes forever because it's "writing assets" all of the sudden. This doesn't happen on Windows 10. Is there a new setting somewhere? Or is it Windows 11 specific?
Where did you see the message of "writing assets", in the dialogue box while loading the scene or on the status bar... or somewhere ?
I'm with Win11 + DS, haven't met such an issue.
In the dialogue box while loading the scene. It reads the scene and then starts writing asset, listing each part that's in the scene.
How much of the content in the scene is native (Genesis series content) and how much is non native (Poser, OBJ, FBX etc).
After the scene has loaded shut down DS, restart after a couple of minutes and try to load the scene again, does it still do the "writing assets" or is now clear.
The DSON Cache does need to be created for new items, or from scratch if it has been cleared.
Actually Richard I was thinking more along the lines of the "data/auto_adapted" folder, as the cache doesn't show in that "dialogue box", but if files are missing from "auto_adapted", then DS will go looking for them from the code in the scene file, it will then load those files, and then start "writing assets" back into the "auto_adapted" folder, and that does show in that "dialogue box".
And IIRC, when it writing to DSON cache file, there's no message of showing "writing assets" in the dialogue box of loading a scene.
@OP, you better post a screenshot.
So, it's a mix of both poser OBJ type files and DAZ native files. Every scene, both .daz and .duf alike are doing this. How would I go about fixing this?
And yes, it writes assets every time the scenes are loaded. Restarting the program has not helped.
If so, it should be the case that Bejaymac mentioned.
I'm pretty new to DS since 2018, and I never use something like .daz formats, so I've experienced no such a case so far...
If writing assets is not avoidable but you don't like those annoying messages, I'm not 100% sure but I think there might be possibility you can convert those "old formats" into dsf / duf formats, IMO ~
@crosswind, you're right. However, it's happening with .duf files.
Sorry for not posting images sooner! I think there's some obvious file corruption happening in some cases because some of my scenes are loading like block people.It looks like i need to reload the Uberenvironment or something.... but I don't think that should affect it.
And here's what I mean by writing assets. It loads and loads and scans each item in the scene, the screen flickers as it does this and depending on how much is in the scene, it takes forever. I've been using the program since 2005 but, there's a lot I don't know.
Ah... now I got it. Let's see if there's any resolution from Bejaymac, a veteran who's familiar with those "old stuff".
And here's a probably two cent's worth workaround from me... What if you download and install a DS Public Build and try opening the scene with it, as I noticed that you still use DS 4.15... Well, I don't know... I just don't know but it might be worth a try, with no harm... because there'd been quite a lots of improvements in the latest versions of DS, in terms of "messaging" in the log, front-end dialog boxes, yada yada...
Old style .DAZ scene files explains a lot.
When you created those scene files DS added DSO (mesh), DSD (morph) and DSV (UV mapping) files to the "data" folder, and the scene file will load those files rather than use the original files, so losing those "data" folder files means the scenes wont load.
Late on in DS3's life they added a new system to the scene files, basically it recorded the original files pathway into the scene file, that way if you lost the "data" folder files then DS had a good chance to recreate them from the original files.
We still use a similar system in DS4.5+ when your saving scenes/subsets that have non DSON content in them.
And I suspect that is where your problem lies, DS is loading the .DAZ files and can't find the "data" folder files, so it's using the pathways to load the original files, problem is that DS4.0 was the last version of DS that created DSO, DSD and DSV files, so what's happening is DS is adding DSF files to the "data/auto_adapted" folder, which is where the writing assets is coming from.
The good news is that by the sounds of things your laptop still has all of the "data" folder files you need, the bad news is you have to figure out which files need to be copied over to the other system.