How to create a slope to replicate a real world "grade"

I'm trying to recreate a hill similar to that of Lombard Street in San Francisco and having trouble figure out which parameters to set in order to get a 16 percent grade on the slope. Anyone have any ideas? Would it be adjusting the X-Rotate and Z-Rotate? Would there be anything more to it than that?
16 percent means 16 cm per meter.
So if you make a 10 meter long plane, you shall raise one end 1.6 meter.
And to adjust it, it might be easiest if you set pivot point, with the geometry editor in one end.
Or you can rotate on the length axis with 9.2 degrees (sin-1 (0.16)).
Okay. Thanks!
16% slope percentage is 9.09° (degree). You can just align center point and end point of the "slope geometry" with Joint Editor, then rotate the slope on Z axis with 9.09 degree.