Are there any product to change m and v4 skin tones?

Are there any product to change m and v4 skin tones?
there are so many for iray figure but havent seen em for gen 4, there was one called spectrum but I couldnt notice any difference when applied, I dont think I have ever seen any aside from that
Although I’ve not used them much since I bought them in 2022, there are two skin manager products in the store for which the store page states that each works on all of the figures from Victoria/Michael 4 through Genesis 9. Both are by the same published artist and both are currently on sale.
Thanks I should have written for m4 skins in 3DL though
Change the Diffuse Color.
Are there other main areas I can mess around with where the result is noticable?
Sometimes changing color enoguh to motice makes the skin darker than desired result.
I'm going for a drab effect, Is there a way to make a skin lighter?