I need clarification of the license

I would like to make a tutorial for new 3d artists. i plan on using Daz figures, specifically the Genesis 8 Male and Female. My question is am I allowed to do this?

Just so others are aware, I want to create a tutorial showing new blender users how to make custom clothing to encourage new artists to learn more. I will not be making any money off of my tutorial and am wanting to show what I can do with Daz Studio with the assistance of making my own clothing in Blender. 

So, again, the question is am I allowed to do this?


  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,676
    edited May 2024

    If you are not sharing any modified version of the mesh, this is a legitimate use of any assets with the standard licence.

    Terms of Use. Two-Dimensional Works. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, User may (i) access, use, copy and modify the Content in the creation and presentation of two-dimensional animations and renderings, (ii) incorporate two-dimensional images (including two-dimensional images that simulate motion of three-dimensional objects) derived by User from the Content in User's other works, and (iii) publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense User's two-dimensional animations, renderings and other works; provided that User may not in any case publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense any renderings, animations, software applications, data or any other product from which any Content, or any part thereof, or any substantially similar version of the Content can be separately exported, extracted or de-compiled into any re-distributable form or format.

    Screen recordings of anything using the assets reasonably falls under "accessing, using, copying and modifying the Content in the creation and presentation of a two dimensional animation or rendering".

    There is no limitation as far as what program does the rendering or whether it is done in real time. The licence is very free about what you do, as long as the only person directly using and accessing the assets is you.

    (Indeed, making money off a tutorial would be completely legitimate under the licence).

    Post edited by Matt_Castle on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    It depends.  How are you makeing the clothing? 

    In Marvelous Designer for example,  the clothing model gets made over the character figure as a guide,  and the MD program creates an entirely new mesh for the clothing.  If you are creating a clothing item with all new polygons then it should be fine.

    On the other hand,  if you are taking polygons from the base character mesh,  then resizing and refitting a copy of those same polygons to make the clothing,  then that is derivative work and not allowed.

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,676
    edited May 2024

    FirstBastion said:

    On the other hand,  if you are taking polygons from the base character mesh,  then resizing and refitting a copy of those same polygons to make the clothing,  then that is derivative work and not allowed.

    A tutorial on doing that would be fine; modifying assets for your own use is covered under the licence.

    The problem would only come about if you then distributed clothing created this way. (And, indeed, if your tutorial was about this method, it would be proper to tell people about this limitation).

    Post edited by Matt_Castle on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407

    Of course, been doing that for years ;-) [except using Hexagon of course]

    One thing to note, we are not allowed to use the actual mesh of any Daz3D figure IN the clothing itself. [no copy/pasting mesh for eg.]

    The one exception for use of mesh is for creating geografts but those are not normally clothing items.

    [I'm speaking about mesh being made with the intention of redistribution of course]

    Another tip, depending upon which countries your tutorials are aimed for, might want to keep the figures as modest as possible. [and as adults]

    And if you can make money off of your tutorials, that's okay too. [just in case you change your mind]

  • adamsjeryladamsjeryl Posts: 8

    Thank you all for the quick responses. I do indead intend to use new geometry and not copy the figure. The idea is to show others how to make their own clothing by showing how to make clothing templates.

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