Diffeomorphic Daz Importer LiveLink - Eye Tracking Issue

So here's what I'm facing.
I've imported my Gen 9 character into Blender using the Diffeomorphic Daz Importer and successfully applied facial motion capture to the model using the LiveLink import function.
Everything appears to be working and animating fine, except the eyes!
The eye rotation appears to be offset by 90 degrees.
Any ideas to fix this would be very appreciated!
I'm working in Blender 4.0
I've attempted with a Gen 9 & Gen 8 character, I've also attempted with both LiveLink and FaceCap.
The issue persists.
When I look to the right, my character looks up.
When I look left, they look down.
When I look up, they look Left.
When I loop down, they look right.

Screenshot (36).png
1920 x 1080 - 2M

Screenshot (38).png
545 x 301 - 295K

Screenshot (37).png
541 x 303 - 293K
Sadly I don't have any ideas other than just go into the graph editor, select all and adjust to get it right. I'm just curious if you find livelink to be better than facecap for the facial mocap?
Be sure to update to the 1.7.4 dev version since there's many bug fixes especially for blender 4 and G9, then if the issue stills there you can open a issue at bitbucket for Thomas to look at, you'll need to provide a sample file.
Hi yes this is a bug in the live link implementation of diffeomorphic.
I have the animation layers addon for Blender
(which I highly reccommend)
So my “fix” is to create a layer ,at frame one, rotate and set the eyes to the default position and set a key frame
they will move correctly from that baseline after that.
If you use the free Face landmarker app you can track facial animation from Video without the need for a $$Luxury$$ brand Phone from Apple inc.
This is a G9 figure I animated with facial mocap
from live link & Face land marker using a random video I grabbed from youtube
ALL with FREE tools.
Thank you everyone for responding!
@wolf359 for pointing out it was a bug with the addon, and @Padone for suggesting raising the issue on bitbucket.
I did exactly that and (while I haven't tested it yet) it appears Thomas and Alessandro have sorted out the issue with a new update to the BVH Retargeter addon.
To solve the issue, you should just need to download the latest version of BVH Retargeter (4.1.0039).
I will post an update when I test later this evening.
You can find my BitBucket post here: