Upstairs/Downstairs floor question

Let's say I have G9 downstairs in the living room. The kids are upstairs playing. How do I manage to get the little tykes to have their floor (for the "drop to floor" feature) to be set to a different elevation so that Mom doesn't have to worry about her kids falling through the ceiling every time I push ctrl-D? :)
Can different characters have their floor setting elements vary for that purpose?
Unfortunately they can't... Ctrl + D function just moves the selected figure / object to match its local Y origin to the scene's global Y origin where your can place a floor or whatever an object there...
In your case, better use the built-in plugin: Align (Windows - Panes - Align...). Hold Ctrl to select the 2nd floor and a kid or a Group of kids, choose "Stack : Above (+Y)" option in the dropdown list of "Y Axis:". If there's any "gap" because of the floor's geometry or sth., add a proper positive or negative "Spacing" value in the dialogue, and remember the value...
thanks @crosswind! that works! :)