Shift select not functional in DS 4.8 import of .obj sequence

I have imported an Obj sequence from Marvellous Designer and when I try to select shift (I want obj 2 through end sequence) the only response is selecting a single file - Ctrl +A also won't work. Any ideas on what is going on?
nothing is going on in that I have never been able to import more than one OBJ at a time and never found a way to do it. I have found that to minimie the workflow is to just to drag and drop, from the folder to the DS viewport window, one obj at a time.
mCasual has this script that may be of some help...
sweet thanks mjc...I should remember to look over there first. :)
I thought he had an obj sequence importer, too...but I couldn't find it.
OK my stupidity. DS is smart - the sequence needed to be imported using morph loader pro and I was trying to use morph loader advanced. DS knows enough it seems that it cannot allow multiple .obj's - so select shift is disabled. Just in case anyone interested in using dynamic clothing from MD to Poser see - fantastic stuff -
How to export animations from DAZ Studio to Marvelous Designer and back
The WP Guru
arrr that is what was missing, you using Morph that you got it sorted though. :)