Service bell?

Likely there's already one buried in a neat environment pack somewhere, and the Daz search engine isn't coughing it up, but... anyone know where I can find a service bell? Like what you see on the front counter of places that you smack the little top plunger and it goes ding.
Service Bell obj file attached. You'll have to import into DS at 100% scale and add a brass/gold shader to the 'Brass' and 'Knob' surfaces. Also add a wood grain shader to the 'Wood' surface with a grain from left to right in the texture image.
Details: 5436 Facets, 4783 Vertices, 4818 texture vertices, 3 surfaces, 1 group.
Usage - Whatever. Just don't claim as your own work.
If you have either of these, there is a service bell as a separate prop.
Desert Motel Office's is more retro-looking
PW Mandrakia Island's has a more modern look.
Oh my gosh, you are my hero! Thank you so much!!
Sorry I'm not at home at the moment, otherwise would have turned it into a full prop and used a freebie texture ( or for the wood.
Oh no, don't apologize, this is wonderful. I have shaders I can use, no problem.
And thanks for the info on the free texture links too. :)
It's so elegant!! Thank you!!
(Shaders used from Bar Interior 2018. Please forgive funky reflections, I have the ceiling turned off while I'm kitbashing)
Glad it works for you. Looks like you've done a pretty darned good job with it. I love the semi-gloss finish you've put on the wood, looks like a nice wax finish.
Over the weekend, at some point, I'll see if I can upload it to Renderosity & the freestuff forum here as a full prop. I have a lot of work to do this weekend, but should get some time to have some fun.
Nice bell, thank you
If you don't already know about it, it's possible to hide something only from the viewport. With that something selected, go to Parameters > Display and set Visible in Viewport to Off.
Oh, actually I didn't! Good tip! Thank you!
I uploaded a little freebie on Rendo about an hour ago. The textures make it too big to upload it to the forum as a prop. Just got to wait for it to be approved. Anyway, the images associated are below:
And who can't avoid dinging the bell just because it's there, regardless of how annoying it may be...?
Love it! And I'm sure many others will, too. You wouldn't think it would be such a hard thing to find, but often it seems like the common things really are.
Now available here: (not linked as there may be adverts). Oh dear, less than 24hrs & 58 downloads, the oddest of things seem popular on occasions.
Richard, those little odd objects add life to a scene that a major set left out when the PA was exhausted by the overall effort. How many times have we walked into a room where person should be covering the welcome mat, and there is an empty counter/desk? In real life or digital we need that bell or pen. Especially when made with loving care.
Yup. My story very nearly opens with one of the main characters ringing a service bell. Thanks to you, a couple of best friends now get to meet.