Is there a non dynamic superhero cape for G9?

in The Commons
I have been looking high and low for a cape for G9 that is not dynamic. I'm not a big fan of dforce. I have tried fitting numerous capes from G8 and G3, but they all don't allow me to adjust it to the poses I have used. I'm quite surprised that noone has made a superhero suit with cape for G9 by now, at least none I have found that will work. I know of a couple over at another site, but they are dynamic and won't work.
I kust wanted to show why I hate dynamics. I believe that in this flying pose, the cape shopuld be bellowing behind him, not doing this. That's why I wish there was a cape that wasn't dynamic for G9. I have autofitted and parented capes for G8, but they also don't work well for a lot of poses.
One of my active feature requests is to have DS's wind nodes have a toggle where you can turn off collision.
At the moment, wind nodes only blow as far as the first thing that blocks them, then the air is completely still behind that. While I realise that full simulation of wind is not practical on home computer scale, I think this is an overly simplistic assumption that makes wind nodes nearly useless (here, a wind node in front of him would be almost entirely blocked) and being able to have the option to wind blow through things instead would be a huge improvement.
Right now, for an alternative, my suggestion is "use gravity instead"; orient your character so that gravity pulls the cape in an appropriate direction, simulate that, then rotate him back the way he should be.
hmm I would have tried making it billow with dforce magnets
Could you not hide the figure and all clothing except for the part which the cloak is attached to. The wind node will then not be impeded and the cloak should billow as expected. Then unhide the figure for render.
If the clothing is one piece, like the Marvelous Bodysuit, would I hide all the different bodyparts like legs, arms, torso, etc. except for the chest part its parented to?
Yes, As long as the chest is non-dynamic, it should not fly away.
Thank you, Havos. I'll try that. I'll also lok at the dforce magnet, Amaranth.