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Most of the time I forget to even look to see if a character has these materials or not, so it can't be particularly important to me. But for the sake of completeness, I think it would be right if the material is included. These parts belong to every body, without them we wouldn't all be here, and you don't sell a model that doesn't have materials for arms or legs.
yeah....but arms and legs are usually more visible than the genitals, and as such more important to renders
I couldn't tell you whether any of the characters I've bought have them included or not. Even if I did a nude scene at some point, I imagine I'd have things posed so they wouldn't be visible (probably a la Austin Powers because that would amuse me greatly.)
That said, I'm also a big believer of everyone having the things they need to make their art, and some people need that, so I'd lobby in favor of having them. I'd think that over time the extra cash from those who would've passed it up without would surpass whatever effort is spent.
I pass or return characters that come without them.
My pictures don't always have nude characters, but I want them to be complete in case it is needed.
When you have your guy (or girl) tied to a chair, with an axe in your hand, and you're like, "Anatomical elements or no anatomical elements?".
Leaving characters without the elements seems like neutering them.
As a general principal I'm against neutering humans, though after a few events I have been known to change my ideas for a brief while.
It won't stop me buying a character, though, if they aren't there. I don't often do nudes, and never do nudes where the gens would show, so I suppose I am being silly about it; but snipping digital models seems wrong to me.
Well, it may be a joke, but it should be noted that including anatomical elements is more work. Given a give and take of time/effort spent and generally fixed prices, it's ultimately a choice: if you spend X effort, are you going to spend a fraction of that on anatomical elements, or spend that on something else that might appeal more broadly?
I will always pass on a character with no anatomical elements - I need them for my game project which does contain (tasteful!) nudity. The precedent has already been set.
I would only buy them if they came with some unique morph that I could use seperately.
I also give strong preference to skins that come with male AND female anatomicals, since fantasy races or alien species that only have one gender gets old as a gimmick after one. Having the game filled with that makes it obvious I'm working with a limitation.
Even if the morphs are limited to a male-only character, I can still use the female skin on another set of morphs and mix & match to find a compromise.
But yeah, no anatomical skins usually means I'll only buy it if there's literally nothing else I'd rather have to make up a stacking deal combo etc.
Edit: As for golden palace, it's a good product but the G9 version doesn't have an interactive license yet last I checked and I'm not in the habit of FAFO when it comes to license legalities.
Also the G9 version is questionable as to its suitability for realtime rendering engines. It's very high detail.
For me, it's a matter of simple logic..... better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.
I don't buy characters. I buy elements that I intend to remix into my own unique creations. As such, a product that doesn't come with the anatomical element textures is therefore starting off in a negative position, though that can be offset by having something else of use... a "dirty skin texture", unique scars, fibermesh body or facial hairs, etc.... As far as the quality of the actual elements themselves goes, I've bought just about all of the third party products for all of the generations since Genesis and found that, for females, the NewGen and GP products tend to be the most versatile and realistic while, for males, the original DAZ Male geografts tend to be the most reliable, but only once they've been combined with a few sets of third-party add-on morph packs.
Then I have some odds and ends I've created that may be useful.
These are adjustable crotch bulges for G8M, G8F* and G9. It has some limits, but you can adjust where the bulge is and a bit of control over its shape. Works well under most clothing without needing any farting around with dForce or smoothing modifiers to try to fit actual anatomy geometry under clothes.
*Yes, G8F. I created the first version of these for a trans character in my cast.
And for others in this thread, these may be somewhat useful:
These add UVs to the G9 genitals to match the layout of the torso textures. Admittedly, those textures won't be detailed, but they will be seamless, and will be usable in a lot of cases. Using Map Transfer to bake the textures over to the standard Gens UVs will allow you to use that seamless edge and mask in more detailed textures from another character in an image editor.
Though I do do nudes at times, I agree with the above quote. Anatomical elements are diffinately a plus, but I look mostly at the morphs (body and face) and the quality of the skin textures. Poor skin textures are a deal breaker for me first of all.
Having said that, I am more likely to purchase a character that comes complete over one that doesn't.
Personally, I prefer having them available to use if/when I need them as I do both sorts of renders. But I am a bit less likely to buy a character without unless it is something VERY different, like a child character which doesn't need that in the first place or one with a unique morph or some crazy creatures. (I have bought characters just for an ear morph in the past.)
I generally care more about unique facial feature and morphs that add to the gene pool shaping options, and if there is a unique tattoo or body hair included with the character. Anatomicals are far lower on the decision tree.
I add gens to all my characters, whether I ever intend to do nudes with them or not, and the more "functional" the gens the better. As such, I want textures for them.
I will confess I have bought characters lacking the anatomical elements if they have some attribute that overrides the lack such a minor character but there are characters everyday so it is easy enough to buy from the vendors who will my needs.
I appreciate the effort that goes into making a complete product, even if they're not something I usually render. Makes me more likely to think 'wow, what a quality product'. Not a deal breaker though.
Good luck with your Gen9 characters.